
Exactly…. that's my point. You act as if you know what she's doing. There's basically not much about her after we find out she's with the Brotherhood without Banners. So your speculation isn't any better than anyone else's! I'm just making an assumption based on television and what they like to do.

Well you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but you and I both know that's a lot speculation about something that hasn't happened in the books. I'm thinking about television narrative… I think it makes sense. You know they'd love to have that as a big reveal.

EXACTLY my point!

Well yeah… her children are Starks, and its not like the Freys and Lannisters are friends to the North so I don't see how those aren't concurrent goals?

I'm a Lady Stoneheart truther… there's tons of room for her to re-emerge (since we already know she IS alive) and help to rally forces toward the North/Stark cause. I think it's coming.

Mary Kay Place truly is a delight in this show. And I LOVED when Maria finally acknowledges that it's the moms that take all the hard stuff, and keep on coming back for more. Very sweet moment.

And leave a fucking mess and then all of sudden are no where to be found when it needs cleaning! Damn cats.

Agreed… I didn't know she had split, but there have been signs on her instagram of new independence - she was being very cryptic. And hearing they split some time ago makes a lot of sense now.

Chris Evans thinks so toooooooo

I just watched the Big Chill (my all time favorite movie next to Wayne's World and my #1 favorite soundtrack) … it's just so damn good! And yes, she's great and has aged so well!

She simply doesn't age… I watched "Waiting" yesterday and she looks the same.

God, I loved Linda's delivery of this line … not a subtle sad "I'm sorry, Bobby died." No, she screamed it at them.

They why are you still here trolling?

I've heard Maria do a lot of interviews, and they've talked about her sister being used in her standup and the actual vibe I got was that they were very ok with it.

Linda is rivaled only by Beverly Goldberg in her love for her children. NO ONE loves their kids like Bev, but Linda is a close second.

Yes, Jon Snow does talk to Sansa about the resurrection at some point. In his discussions with her about wanting to leave, he says "I was murdered!" … So yeah, she knows.

Just another layer to solidify Winston as the best character … man the puzzle baby line was SO PERFECT!

Wow, I don't know what was said but based on this comment I am now VERY intrigued.

it's true… they did an excellent job casting people that look like brothers. I was struck by that several times.