
Nah, I think you're minimizing just how many young "little old ladies" there are watching this show.

Poor my mom… she's the one that ended up paying for my Columbia House CD saga. I had a LOT of random CDs… notable: Lilith Fair, Set it Off Soundtrack, and Britney Spears…. lots of mixed female messages in there for me.

Yeah this show must just not be for you, because there is nothing about the marriage between Louis and Jessica that makes me want them to get divorced. They have a symbiotic loving relationship. Perhaps it's just not made for you, because it seems like we're watching different shows.

She got held back remember? So really it's just someone one grade younger…

I JUST started listening to this on audiobook … Starz is killing it with these literary adaptations lately!

She makes appearances every once and awhile on "Younger" as well if that helps!

It's not so much about the unhealthy friendships (and boy are they!), but about a friend code that you just don't go there with someone that a friend had such a deep thing with. A couple of fucks, yea sure go for it, but what Hannah and Adam had —- you just shouldn't broach that as a friend.

Heart attack should trigger some memories …. he almost stopped Jake from his plan, but like mnola said, took the fall for it.

Yeah.. I can say it lasted like… 8 months at the most? As I said, I was merely a collector of the pretty ones.

This show is nostalgia city - every week I look forward to those moments of - "damn I forgot about that" - this week POGS!

Guess I was right.. poor Barrows. Couldn't be easy being a gay man during that time.

I'm so sorry that I was right about Barrows last week…

She's been in so much … my teeny bopper brain will always remember her as the mean goth girl from "She's All That" see also "The Faculty". She's been in so much since then too.

He was NOT helpful!

Winnie the Bish has been killing it… and the bridal montage was just perfect to show what a great character he is when interacting with any of the roommates. But I definitely agree that she is female Nick, probably why Jess loves both of them too.

Solid start with that board though, you gotta admit. More solid than a majority of Nick's plans.

Your loss Pau… If you can't be happy to have New Girl purely for the reason that Winnie the Bish has become more of a focus, then you are a lost soul. "Tiny Rick"!

I just came here to say … Hey White Josh!!!

There's some undertone in the rocker chick who suggested Citizen Kane to Axe. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of her…

Yep this is the reason.. the actors are too good, and the pieces are all there. I guess I'm waiting for it to "click" and do have hopes it will based on the bones. We'll see….