Man, the Nazis ruin EVERYTHING. Can't you guys give Edith a break?
Man, the Nazis ruin EVERYTHING. Can't you guys give Edith a break?
Quick question. When/Why did they get rid of downvotes?
Way to generalize about 330 million people, dipshit. Could you be any more ignorant and close-minded?
I said it in an earlier comment but check out the movie "My Boy Jack" for a better look at what one (very famous) British family went through during the war.
The fact that no amount of bribery or other types of corruption could mask that fact that Russia's hockey team shit the bed makes me happy. They always said that the only medal that matters is the men's hockey gold.
I think what pisses off alot of people who have studied the war and this period in general is that alot of Brits (and judging from the comments, AV Clubbers) take the Blackadder view of the war as gospel because "I don't need to read no stinking history book. Hey, these actors are talented and funny. So whatever…
The L.A. Quartet is a fucking masterpiece. Writing at its finest.
How about you guys dump the dozen shitty shows you are reviewing (which will be cancelled in a few months anyway) and get back to reviewing The Office?
See, I would have actually liked the episode (and the show) better if it had taken difficult plot decisions. Lizzy killing Judith would have been a great Holy Shit moment for the series. It would show that it doesn't matter how young and precious you were in the old world. If you can't keep your mouth shut in this…
And Timothy Olyphant as an FBI agent investigating Frank! Complete the Deadwood reunion.
I actually had some hope that President Walker would turn out to be a greater foil for Frank. There were glimpses of that and I was kind of hoping the whole season would see the two of them battle it out. But every time Walker called Frank out on his shenanigans, Frank would deflect and worm his way back into the…