Henry Krinkle

Glen Campbell, Roy Clark, and Jerry Reed were some of the best pickers out there.

Wichita Lineman, over and over and over again.

And Dany is getting in the way of the fight in the north by insisting that Jon Snow "bend the knee."

Dany doesn't even know why she wants to be queen anymore. She just thinks she deserves it.

I nominate Lady Mormont for the iron throne!

I was rooting for Jamie to run Dany through. It's time for her to go.

Robert Baratheon died in a "hunting accident," not a hunting accident.

Okay, Missy has to regenerate as a man and knock up The Doctor.

I remember "Angry Little Boy." The others are interchangeable.

I thought I remembered that, because I was there!

This is the best Butthole Surfers era:

Was that the Webster Hall show?

I couldn't tell either of them apart. They were all the same person to me.

What'shername was just as detestable. She was quite eager to kill her cousin (brother?), or whoever that was who was marrying Myrcella. I don't remember if she were the one who ran him through, but all three of them were completely one note. We're hot, we wear skimpy clothes, and we like to kill. That's all they

I feel happy for Cersei. No torture could be too much for Ellaria and the Sand Snake.

I sing "Play that funky music, Hot Pie!"

Nah, fuck Ellaria. She deserves every bit of the hell she's in.

I was quite satisfied with Cirsei's way of handling the Sand Snake and Ellaria. It would only be better if they occasionally cut back to the rotting corpse and Ellaria crying in agony.

There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!

Go get 'em, Liv!