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    but she clearly liked it

    This episode is a great example of why Walter White will never be a criminal mastermind. He panics all the time, makes hasty, irrational decisions. Behaves iimpulsively and emotionaly, like a woman. He is the exact opposite of Gus.

    That was a huge dissapointment for me. I was like: "Yeah Jesse my man, smash that pussy"… but then he played frickin PS3 with her :(

    I'll say it again. High stakes blackjack in underground backroom casinos = complete bull$hit story. High stakes poker would have been much more believeable. Especially since we already seen them playing a family game of poker earlier in the series.

    Marie and Skyler are being huge cunts in this episode. They are really despicable.

    This episode left me wondering: did Badger and Skinny Pete bang any of the party girls?

    how exactly is Walt abusing her? enlighten me please

    I'll shame them all day. sluts are bad for the society

    now that you mention that scene, it shocked me that every girl in the rehab meeting was fat. what's up with that?

    Skylar treated Walt like shit all the time, even before he started cooking meth. But since you obviously worship women, that's not a problem for you.

    I have to say that story about Walt counting cards in blackjack to earn all that money is really bad. If they wanted a gambling story, high stakes poker in underground games would have been much more believable.

    Marie is being even bigger cunt then usual, but I guess she can be excused, cause her husband is critically injured.
    Walt's dismissal of Gale really puzzles me: is he fearing Gale could replace him one day, or he just doesnt like working with qualified assitant who cannot be bossed around?

    What I find really scary about this episode is that in USA, you can get into a fight, beat someone up, and then that person can sue you for millions of dollars. That's totally unfair, nothing to do with law and justice.

    She's not trainee, she's the manager of that particular restaurant

    Walt not telling Jesse he is being followed is just extra stupid. Instead he rushes to Clovis garage to destroy the RV, altough Hank has no clue where the RV is. Walt constantly acts impulsive and emotional, like a woman.

    Your only argument is "omg her husband is cooking meth". On the other hand Skylar being cold, disrespectful and ungrateful obviously doesn't count? Let's face it, she's a horrible wife and a generally unpleasant person.

    Really? So according to you a woman can kick a man out of THEIR house whenever she doesn't like him anymore?! If she hates Walt so much, and can't stand being around him, why don't she leave?

    Oh and one more thing. What really scared me about this episode is that in modern society, when your wife doesn't like you anymore, she can just call the cops and have you evicted from your own house. That's insane.

    She's a bad person and a horrible wife. Treats her husband like a piece of shit. Skyler is a great example what to avoid in a woman.

    This episode really reveals what an evil bitch Skyler is. Walt should be more than happy to divorce her and never ever see her again.