Bob Clark

Not really? He was born into a bad situation, and he was taken out of it by whatever means were available at the time. Honestly, there are so many minute things you can question about any moment in any of the SW movies. Sure, the PT has them, but I'm willing to overlook them just as I am for the OT most of the time.

And I thought the battle droids would be stately Egyptian style armies based on the production paintings. Instead, they were just fun to watch jedi carving apart. Gotta throw away preconceptions to enjoy stuff.

Yeah, except no. Said kid was a slave who was routinely forced to race anyway, without his will being a part of it, and likely would be again. Said kid offers in order to help, against mom's wishes and fears. And said wizard ultimately uses the race to win said kid's freedom from slavery.

I've never understood all the hate for the pod race. It's a fun, colorful, speed-and-action-y race sequence. There's plenty of similar "fast things go zoom" sequences in the other Star Wars movies. Is the complaint really just that this one is self consciously a race, while the others are just metaphorically so?

Wasn't the movie written originally with her as a villain? Isn't that how the song was originally intended, her giving in to her dark side? And then Disney decided to rein it back and keep her a heroine or something? Did I miss the article mentioning that at all?

Horribly executed action? Jeez, I thought that was fine. The dialogue was corny as a Senate farm subsidy bill, but the dog fights were cool as a Canadian winter.

I accept the Will/Hannibal relationship here in the same way I accept the Mina-as-reincarnated-Elizabetha story in the Coppola Dracula. They aren't true to the source material at all, but they're a valid and at times beautiful addition.

1) I'm glad that the Avatar/Korra series aren't mentioned here. I want to see more of that, but not like this. Not like this.

Something tells me this review was written on a Mac.

Way to go. You find a tumblr that's mostly all about Prequel Fandom, and you use it to mock the Prequels. Great.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't find either of them bad changes. I really like what the Coppola film did, and created something genuinely tragic and romantic. I can sorta say the same here for Will and Hannibal. But you have to admit, it's a story that simply did not exist in any way, shape or form before. That simply

Right. Which makes the show's take on their relationship somewhat like the Coppola Dracula, where Mina is the Count's long lost reincarnated love, and not just some pretty neck he wants to bite.

Wasn't Hannibal's backstory as a consultant invented for the "Red Dragon" film? In the book, Graham only meets Lecter two times before realizing he's the killer he's looking for (it's the second time when Lecter attacks him).

Tad Strange is Carlos, right? I mean… That's why he's there, isn't it?

He only became a joke because people suck.

And of course, they've all died a bunch of times previously on the show, so it's not like anybody would be surprised if they just brought it back again.

Hm. Hoped for Sting and The Soul Cages.

I dunno, Law and Order and Homicide were both early 90s shows, and they managed to film in a realistic, but cinematic manner. The Wire just kind of blahs along visually.

I think you mean sand people. And that makes me think— such a lost opportunity game design wise. Playable genocidal masaacre. Why not?

If Super Star Wars is coming back, I want to see Super Star Wars treatment for the Prequels. Even haters ought to admit they're perfect for that treatment anyway. All lightsaber action, all the time.