
It's funny, that stuff was supposed to be dystopian, but I thought it was not just perfectly valid science, but actually proper moral alternatives to difficult problems today.

Amber can be large, but I think the panels were made like murals with tons of small polished slices.

More realistically, scientists have found 3D impressions of engorged mosquitoes. It's not like there's much organic material left inside those things.

Yeah, Mass Effect 3 got stellar reviews, and I can imagine that many people got through the Krogan and Geth stuff and thought "wow, what a triumphant end to a series long plot arc, the ending will be amazing" when they gave it an A.

Yeah, I've decided to watch some anime, and it's so hard for me to say if I really like something because the ending to these shows is so important. I've seen some good shows squander everything in a half assed ending where too much is jammed in at the end, a character turns evil for no reason, or just hugging out a

I think that if they were going to do a Suicide Squad movie, they should have waited, and had them go after a Superhero's lair or something. Not a generic Broke Artifact Demon.

That, and trying to get out ahead of young people's styles without understanding that either doesn't work, makes the character look like a douche, or both.

I'd rather see the prequel where The Joker takes the cast of Project Runway captive and forces them to produce his weird ass clothes.

Disgusting, but not uncommon…. even legal professionals who should know better will fight tooth and nail against DNA exoneration.

A lot of Game of Thrones references this episode. I expected Junior talking Dothraki, but I wasn't expecting Charlie to call himself Lord Snow, or The White Walker as a nickname for his prowess with the ladies.

The Central Park Five, where five young black men were forced to confess to the rape of a white woman they didn't commit happened in 1990.

They get a bit 'fantasy sexy' in book 2, but I really love how the magic in these books makes sense, the main character isn't automatically the best at it, and is super OCD poor.

Oh wow…. I quit before that part. I think for me it's an issue with crime writing in general, much like Girl With a Dragon Tattoo, I start getting grossed out when you throw in more than the one rape.

Didn't China Mievelle do the same thing in Railsea? What is it with these weirdo model train people.

I tried reading the book, and I find it skeevy that anyone would read it and think "Wow, I'd love a movie version of all this child rape"

I love those too… For some reason Farscape felt on a different, higher level of jerkiness. When I tapped out, they were heading into a nebula that would make them even worse!

Babylon 5. I loved it as a kid, since it was my first serialized scifi show, but the speeches and 90s cgi failures and downbeat fifth season make it a no rewatch.

I made it to the start of season 2, but the constant bickering between everyone really derailed me.

Yeah, it felt like they understood the feel of BSG without the appeal. The BSG characters had reason to be grim and angry at each other, and a lot of history behind that. The SGU characters all seemed to just be assholes.

I dunno, turning SG into BSG felt like the worst of both for me. But it's sad it didn't get the fair shake the other shows did.