
They definitely seem like they always bite off more than they can chew, that's for sure. I think most of the big 'arcs' would be better off as a three parter or something similar. I quite liked how many two part episodes we had last season since it gave some of their concepts more time to breath… I've seen so much

Oh god, A Clockwork Vampire Slayer would be amazing.

It would be interesting if the excuse for the invaders being interested in Earth is that the Doctor is interested in it.

It would be interesting to have a show like that where every season there's a new slayer with a different British accent. Posh Slayer to start, then East End Slayer, and Scottish Slayer.

I remember Earth had the reputation of Easiest to Invade in Futurama, but shit, even they got invaded less often than Doctor Who's Earth. At any time period there is at least one invasion starting, one invasion getting close to take over, one ruptured dimension about to open, and one race of refugees about to have an

I had that same question, and was told either here or elsewhere, that the BBC shows don't really have writers rooms the way we do here in America, so Doctor Who mostly just buys scripts from people. Consequently they mostly just plug a little serialization in around the margins of MOTW scripts, which ends up being a

Hey look, it's a Camouflage Ring, that makes a hologram that makes me look human! Let's try it on.

I'm less bothered by her relationship with her servant than the fact that she also eats people pretty regularly. I would be troubled having a relationship with someone that considers me a prey animal.

This all seems like a ripe situation for a Borat style comedy about an insane creationist character.

*Leafs through the Bible* If its fine for King David, it should be fine for us.

It can be both :)

Candy wrapper collecting is a thing right?

I think he needs more M&Ms.

Nothing is funnier than seeing a right wing person spit out an affirmation of Muslim's rights to prayer, only because they know they're complete hypocrites if they don't.

Especially considering how weird Jesus is in the Koran. He talks as a baby!

The need for persecution is just baked into the very fabric of the Gospels. There's whole passages about how your religion will piss off everyone around you, and that you are blessed when that happens. It's inevitable that even when they are the dominant religious culture the need to be holier than others keeps

Yeah, the Lutherans gave you tiny plastic cups to keep those shenanigans from happening.

I went to a magnet school for my last two years, where we had an actual semester Evolution course. But in my normal high school, my Freshman biology teacher looked actively afraid to teach evolution, and just suggest we learn it ourselves if we were interested.

Exactly…. and the religious thought behind Civil Rights goes both ways… there's plenty in the Bible that got used to support the other side. Which is it's own interesting conversation, and might be good for high school students to talk about.

Maybe it's a step up that the atheist dies because a religious person can't be bothered to stop proselytizing long enough to call 911?