
Still? God, Warp drives are slower than I thought.

Theoretically, you'd think that even a smaller network fanbase would be pretty big for newbie streaming service…. but I have to imagine that they don't stick around much afterwards. Netflix and Amazon give a lot of other options to keep you there.

I'm so sorry, but if the Devil tells me that's what he needs for the Community movie with Troy and Shirley back, that's what I'm gonna give him.

Yahoo: We Hope. Really Hard.

If I had known that Yahoo Screens would die, I think I still would want S6 of Community. Hell, I would probably would be fine with Hulu dying for it.

You're using that to mean, Community made a tiny, understandable mistake?

For a company that is supposedly a search engine, Yahoo Screen's search function isn't just an embarrassment. Its a Khrushchev just set a gun on your desk and told you what you need to do kind of failure.

It pretty accurately predicted NBC's next few fall lineups, like an old woman screaming her prophecy about the death of a powerful king.

Seriously. That was the single shittiest channel app I have ever seen. Oh, you just logged in, would you like me to play you a video, completely at random? I'm not sure what this "Watch Later List" you want is, perhaps you could just surf the menus I provide?

Louis CK and Albert Brooks present: Fullmetal Ghost in the Gundam.

Felt the same way…. after you watch Louis CK fuck a pregnant lady, you start to feel like maybe you've had enough for a while?

I'm sure there were some Mississippi audiences that were like "Wait, why do they think diCaprio is the villain?"

One of my friends was a Buffy fan back in the day when posting on the Buffy message board got you talking to Whedon himself.

I don't like going there right off… but yeah.

Ooh, favorites? The trio of Rochefort 10, Maredsous Tripel, and Delerium Nocturn are mine.

Everything seems cooler till you have to make a job of it. Finding a unifying voice for vastly different characters has got to be difficult, especially when you are always fighting the urge to make them quip like Buffy.

And how often will you be stopped and asked why you have a serial rapist in your car?

Belgian beer is awesome, and is really high alcohol content. For reasons, you know.

Oh yeah, or the ultra pirate uncle of that guy, and… really I guess the whole rest of his family too.

Amazing what you can do when you think "Maybe I could have an existing character do this, rather than make a new one."