Matt Steele

And Louie clearly knows that he's horrible at picking up signs from women, because there have been multiple jokes on his show over the years about how he continues to persistently pursue women that clearly want nothing to do with him. It's not a criminal act to be awful at dating, but he should definitely try to pick

I was just going to say, I can 100% guarantee that the guy telling the other guy NOT to apologize was Nick DiPaolo.

I had to stop listening to O&A completely around that time, and luckily they got booted from terrestrial radio again right around 2008 as well. Anthony's shtick had passed from "saying edgy things to push the envelope" into "I'm now a legitimately racist bigoted crazy person". And the domestic incident with his recent

Patrice always seemed to take the utmost pleasure in another comic giving him endless amounts of shit. He would laugh hardest when he was the butt of the joke. I miss that.

His race has nothing to do with it. Each character on the show gets shit on quite a bit. They bust each other's balls, but Dinesh can't take it or dish it out very well, so Gilfoyle, who's really his best friend, gives him the most shit.

Big Head seems like a character that would fit in so well in the world of Beavis and Butthead or King of the Hill. He just comes across as such a Mike Judge creation, and I love him.

Paul Rust's episode was so great because of how much he referenced prior episodes. Him shitting on Neil Campbell's Pizza Hut rating was glorious.

I love Shoemaker. Goldberg is a notoriously tough interview subject because he's only interested in putting himself over, and he doesn't really tell stories or anything interesting, like, at all. The fact that Shoemaker got some sort of interesting answers from him out of standard pre-approved questions (I'm assuming,

Chuck E. Cheese was also fucking great. #BonkersScalping

"Sweat From My Balls" pretty much predicted the rise of Lil Jon and "crunk".

Even the non sequiturs in Hot Rod are amazing. For instance, the news report on the tv that opens a scene in Rod's house: "The dog walked itself home, ate a pizza, then took a nap." I always crack up at that line.

"I think I suffer from Stinky Dick/Every time I take a piss it smells just like shit!"

"I got a friend named Reggie who lives by the dump/every week I stop by and bring him some lunch"
"Now THAT just sounds nice!"

Cool beans.

I couldn't tell, but he didn't have a beard, which disappointed me a little. I assumed he'd be completely unshaven and ragged-looking. He looked old and had long blond hair, but I didn't see his fingers.

More than 6. There were close to 13 present when we saw Night King turn one of Craster's babies into a walker. And who knows if that was all of them?

"It's a '67, pre CBS/Fender corporate buyout!"

I can't wait for his "You Got Served" moment where he accidentally kills off half of King's Landing

New content. We've never seen Aerys on the show.

But fire only kills Wights, not White Walkers?