Matt Steele

Howdy Ho!

The first time I realized Wiger was a sick fuck was when I realized the co-host of Doughboys is the same guy who wrote and sang "The Monster Fuck" on Comedy Bang Bang's Halloween episodes. That song is so dirty, but so amazing.

I was going to say, I know I've definitely seen Mitch dressed as Santa and couldn't remember the sketch.

I believe they clarified that it's actually Woo-Tang

He's one of my favorite new characters right off the bat. I haven't come to love a character in the span of one episode like that since Stannis's first episode in Season 2. Also, the actor looks like a bigger older relative of Alfie Allen already, so the family resemblance is totally there.

Didn't Cat think he was harmless because of their family history and long friendship? Ned never trusted him, nor did Tyrion. Especially not after Tyrion did his little test to find out who was going to spread his false news in Season 2, and I think only Varys passed the test?

In Season 3, he came off as a really transparent, ambitious career politician, I thought. But in Season 4 when he's losing the race to Royce, he became really relateable and human as a character, and by the time he started turning things around, you really WANTED him to be the new mayor of Baltimore. And then in

Littlefinger did lead Ned back to Cat in King's Landing during Season 1. And he tried his best to keep it secret that Cat was in King's Landing. Of course, Varys fucked that up for everyone (if I recall correctly), but he occasionally does "nice" things for people.

I think she will definitely kill the other girl. I don't know if Arya will kill Jaqen or if he will let her go, but I'm interested to see where that story goes.

And he's better off not knowing, at this point. Selyse, Shireen, Stannis, they're all dead. Just move on, Davos, you'll be better off!

"BLACKFISH IS BACK…" if you take Littlefinger at his word. He did seem genuinely remorseful, but he's not one to be trusted. He's either being honest and leading Sansa to a helpful ally to get himself back in her good graces, or he's leading her directly into a trap.

And then they faked out us viewers who cared about him last year in the "Previously On: GOT" for the Season Finale, when they showed clips of Benjen, and that's how the mutineers tricked Jon into walking into his own murder.

I'm so glad they didn't do that route. LOST would do that type of thing, where a vision was clearly foreshadowing someone's death, and while it made the fans think, "Well, they can maybe CHANGE the past-and-or-future to prevent it?" that was almost never the case, and I couldn't handle knowing that Sansa and/or Jon

All of the musicians in that band are really energetic guys. Greg is fairly subdued as a frontman, but he's too busy singing like he's 30 years younger than he actually is to try and put on an over the top stage show. God, I love that band.

"I'm Foxy Cleopatra, and I'm a WHOLE LOTTA WOMAN!" is one of the most cringe-worthy lines I've ever seen in a movie. They used it in the trailer for that movie, and I remember thinking "That line better be taken out of some sort of context that makes it less terrible" but nope, she literally says it appropos of

She's terrible in that movie. That movie is the worst of the three, and she's the worst of the three Powers Girls.

Her and Wengert's characters on Pawnsylvania are my favorites

I've been to an Olive Garden once in my life. I was 20, in college, with 3 other college buddies, and we were looking to get a cheap meal with a shit ton of food. What we really got was a semi-expensive meal for college kids without jobs, with lukewarm overly salty breadsticks, 3 bowls of really mediocre pasta, and

"Chuck E. Cheese: Where A Kid Can Cuck His Dad!"

#NangGang for life! Anyone who has ever listened to her doing her "Philly Girl" character on Race Wars can now realize that her actual Philadelphia accent is not that far off. She's really funny though.