Matt Steele

Yeah after he speared Steph he got a lot more cheers in the building than he had all match

Also, your Deadwood-inspired username is fucking great.

I read Marsalis's take on the incident on his blog, which, not surprisingly, did not really go into any juicy details, and was boring as hell, like most of his music.

I thought he was the best part of Season 2 of The Walking Dead. Shane's descent into madness was actually more relatable than any of the decisions Rick made during that season. Maybe I'm just a paranoid asshole at heart, but I believed Shane more as a real human being in that season than Rick, who just seemed like a

I know a lot of people who hate Slacker.

I did not know of any aforementioned beef between the two, but now I need to read into this because I can't think of two wildly different personalities who have come to represent jazz over the years. I get douche chills every time I hear Marsalis talk about jazz on a documentary or TV show, and Miles definitely seems

I give this post 7 and three-quarter portion basketballs.

I remember the controversy over her telling police she "popped" the baby down on the bed. In America, that sounds like she threw him down hard on the bed, but in UK English, that's more like a playful way to say "placed", or at least that was my understanding of it. Either way, the fact that it was tried as a murder

Honestly, after 9 months of working hard on any sort of project, I think I'd be up for a party. Even if that party was celebrating something I thought was morally reprehensible, I'm sure a part of my mind would still think, "Fuck, I need a break."

I'd rather see a good actor like Gooding doing his own take on OJ than a mediocre actor who looks more and sounds more like him doing OJ.

Scientific 3-letter-acronyms are really hard to understand!!

I assumed OJ's friends were letting him win in the poker scene. I have a feeling a lot of them had played with him before, and they almost ALWAYS let him win, knowing how competitive he was and how shitty his temper was. But considering him as a pathological liar, I'd say either outcome is likely.

I felt so bad for Darden when he was still protesting that the glove "did fit" and she basically told him "Fuck off, Chris." (in so many words).

I was weirdly emotional during that Kardashian/Jenner scene. He seemed like he really had no one to turn to. And from what I've read, his promise to never speak to OJ again after the trial was pretty much kept.

I also loved how the actor who played Deputy Adam, who also played Officer Dozerman on The Wire, still clearly has a thick as hell Baltimore accent that he was trying to hide on this show. I liked that character a lot, but it just seemed funny that he's clearly a Baltimore guy through and through.

Gina the character would always stand up to Martin the character's shit. Was the show dumb and misogynistic like most of his comedy? Of course, but at least Gina seemed like a strong partner for him. Sucks that he sounded like a much worse asshole behind the scenes.

What was the general public belief in the UK, that she was being railroaded by the US justice system? Or did they think she did it? In Boston and all around here, most people were severely anti-Woodward. I was maybe 11-12 during the time, but to me, the word "murder" seemed ridiculous in that case. I was actually

Loved the "On the next Arrested Development" when it became Mock Trial w/ Bud Cort.

Yeah, her weird pause when she noticed Fuhrman's name on the list of witnesses was interesting. I'm assuming it was just, "Oh, Furhman? That guy is bad news," but I'd be interested to find out if they have some professional history together. I guess next week we will?

At least Lou Barlow makes a shitload of those sweet residuals off of that song, I would imagine.