Matt Steele

Mad Men and Breaking Bad were pretty damn near unknown after their first seasons. I don't know if they WON those years, but they were nominated.

Luke then tells Leia and Chewie, "I didn't sell out. I bought IN!"


Charlotte seems more like a John Cena/Reigns type to me, where they really want her to be the next big thing, but the fans just aren't having it right now.

Charlotte is also regressing on the microphone. When she's human and not trying to play a character, she's fine, but getting across scripted talking points is not her forte. And her spear and the yell she does after it are TERRIBLE. You are turning into the female Roman Reigns, that's not a good thing!

Jordan was in the ring for like 5 seconds and he took the straps down because the crowd was that fired up. I loved that energy.

Any time somebody talks in the ring in-character, I love it. Owens is great at it. Last night, Sasha said "Bye bye!" before suplexing somebody. I just love that type of stuff. Gable and Jordan are fantastic.

That tower of doom quadruple suplex out of the corner thing was so great. Becky was on fire in the match. She plays the plucky babyface very well.

People keep saying "If Wyatt loses another big feud, nobody will take him seriously," until he magically appeared in the Cell and destroyed Ambrose. Until he magically appeared at MITB and destroyed Reigns. Until he and the Family decimated Undertaker and Kane in two straight nights. He always gets his heat back

See, it reminded me exactly of the Attitude era original feud between Kane and Undertaker, when Undertaker walked through fire and set off lightning in the arena when he accepted Kane's challenge for Wrestlemania XIV. I loved the shit out of it.

Top 5 things I loved about RAW this week
1) Bray Wyatt absorbing Undertaker's lightning and Kane's fire powers. It's so goddamn ridiculous that it's exactly what this feud needs. I'm not kidding at all, I love this shit.
2) New Day + Rollins. This is the new Edge & Christian + Kurt Angle, but even better because it's

Their previous Earwolf series, The Reality Show Show, even started some of the engineer abuse. That show is really a good way to see how Hayes and Sean developed their HH characters over time.

To me, that was the scariest part of the episode, because I thought Edgar was going to damn near kill the guy, and Dorothy would freak out and leave him. I'm so glad the show didn't do that to Edgar.

She had the excessive snot/tears streaming down her face thing down perfectly, too.

It's great to get to hear Hayes and Sean develop their Handbook characters throughout the course of the show.

Gelman's NRA rap verse was phenomenal.


And yes, all 3 Taker vs. HHH Wrestlemania matches are awesome. The brawl they had at Wrestlemania X-7 is overlooked, but that match was fantastic. I think the match at Wrestlemania XXVII is slightly overrated, but the Hell in a Cell at XVIII is a great match.

Taker and Michaels had two great Wrestlemania battles long after that Hell in a Cell (I think Wrestlemania 25 in 2009 was the first one-on-one Michaels vs. Undertaker match since the WWF Championship match at Royal Rumble 1998), but their Hell in a Cell was the first one, in October of 1997. Mankind vs. Undertaker was

I hate to say it, but after watching her in the ring in the brief clips they showed on Breaking Ground, I get why she was released. She seems really sweet and was a decent enough interviewer, but her in-ring ability was just not there at all.