Matt Steele

Don was supposed to be 30 in the pilot, I believe. Which means he'd be born in 1930. He would've been too young for WWII, just the right age for Korea.

The seeds of the character were there from the beginning, though. They kept hinting that she was always more of a wild party girl than Gretchen ever was, so her downfall throughout the season wasn't completely out of nowhere.

I think you mean C3P-AYE.

JBL continues to try to get "He was trained by Chief Jay Trombone" over and it's STILL NOT FUNNY.

I searched most of the comments and didn't see any mention of the new Iron Maiden album, The Book of Souls, but god damn, this album has exceeded every single expectation I had, which were not that high to begin with. When I saw that the album was a double studio album, with 3 songs over the 12 minute mark, I was

Titus Welliver's straight outta Gettysburg mustache is a true beauty in that film. That was the first role I saw him in (this was before I watched Deadwood), and he really stole that movie for me. Amy Ryan was great, and that was the first time seeing Amy Madigan in a movie in a long time. I forgot how much I loved

"This is a Dark Fucking Period!"

I'm on Season 6 of my Mad Men re-watch. While Don's low points in Season 4 were comically low (to the point where I almost hoping for a Dewey Cox-esque "This is a Dark Fucking Period!" meltdown), I forgot how despicable he acts throughout much of Season 6. I'll stop it there at the risk of any specific spoilers, but

It was really Aasum. /not racist

When he stormed away from New Day saying, "Aw, why did I ask WHY?!" I laughed so hard.

Sting popping up and playing peek a boo with Seth was kind of funny. Sure, the logic of this storyline is certainly perplexing, to say the least, but at least they had fun with Sting messing with Seth last night. By all accounts, Seth should be the babyface in this feud, because he's basically being shit on by

I really thought the Dudleyz' appearance was going to kind of end that segment on a downer, but it shockingly moved the storyline along, explained that the winner of next week's match will be challenged by the Dudleyz at NoC, and also gave the Dudleyz a chance to be funny again, something that they really weren't

It also brought to mind Carlito, another famous asshole who was always chewing apples in people's faces.

I don't think they were supposed to comment on it at all, otherwise they would have just done that during the replay. It seems more to me like the producers must have seen it and thought, "Well, upon review of the replay, it looks like a double-pin due to Paige not turning over far enough, so let's just make it part

I very reluctantly liked this comment, despite you calling him "The Giz." Yeesh.

I'd say it's also the best Earwool and Wolfcool show going. Although it was hard to tell how many points of each show went to each shingle, especially with the 5 minute episode of Comedy Bang! Bang! thrown in the middle of it. I'll have to crunch those numbers again…

Today's episode with Aasif Mandvi and Scott Ankerman is unbelievable.

People don't talk enough about Edward Norton's bizarre and awesome cameo on that show.

I must say that Eric Stonestreet is my favorite part of Bad Teacher. When he pulls up on a scooter to the sounds of Judas Priest's "The Ripper" (which, whoever picked THAT classic song for that scene, just bravo!) and then proceeds to fall off of it, it's amazing.

I think literally all of those are on my queue too. I'm like 3 episodes into Season 3 of OITNB. I like it, I just have no time to watch it.