Matt Steele

I can see how fans of the show would be furious with the movie, considering they only utilized a handful of the cast members for the film version, and one of them was with a new actress playing her (although, I thought Moira Kelly was a great Donna). But for seeing the movie first, the show was great in that I got to

I still haven't seen those. I've read the shooting script version of those scenes, but haven't seen the Missing Pieces yet. I'll have to check them out.

Even having never seen the show, I was pretty certain that Chris Isaak and Kiefer Sutherland were not regulars or even recurring cast members, so I could kind of figure out, "This must be a prequel type of case" in the first half of the movie. When MacLachlan showed up in the middle of the movie, I could tell, "He is

You do realize they still play to 10,000 people on a pretty regular basis whenever they tour the US, right? I know the common perception of Kiss is that they are all show and kind of a joke (even though all of their albums through 1976 are really solid, with a few decent outings here and there in the following years),

I watched Fire Walk With Me before I ever saw an episode of the show, just because it was starting on HBO one night and it looked really cool based on the opening credits. By the time I started watching the show a year later, even though I "knew" the killer, it still didn't ruin it for me in the least.

They clearly must be doing a decent amount of Lodge-based stuff, if Wise and Lee are both coming back. Since, you know, their characters are dead and all.

Why wouldn't a near-40-year-old be into Kiss? I'm 31 and I love Kiss. They reformed with the original lineup right as my musical tastes were being formed around the time I was 12-13, and while I acknowledge that they have a lot of shitty material and they are money-grubbing assholes, I still love Kiss.

I'm re-watching Mad Men right now and just watched that episode the other night. It struck me how much of a loser William is that he has to brag about his brother-in-law's car to start a conversation with his own father.

Nobody is afraid to listen to Prince. This song is a huge hit so it's easily accessible, but that doesn't make it bad, either. It's a good funk song.

"Vocal bassline" please explain.

You stop right there. Sean William Scott explaining to a foul-mouthed child how "Love Gun" is about Paul Stanley's dick, and how Jews weren't allowed to "sing like that" so they had to wear make-up, is goddamn genius.

I believe that's correct. Tried to sandbag him during a powerbomb attempt, got dropped right on his head. He did get a title match on a PPV out of it in the end, though (Rumble 2004).

I also miss this type of thing. The most exciting example of this type of interaction had to be the infamous Belt Raising Ceremony from December of 2013, when a ring full of former world champions, including Daniel Bryan… in Seattle, completely erupted into chaos.

I thought they were keeping the Dean/Seth thing going, but the announcers basically no-sold Ambrose's part in that and turned it into, "Rollins is trying to get back on Kane's side." Dean just happened to be the guy in the match. It made sense, writing-wise, that Dean would get distracted by a guy he hates, I just

It's amazing how varied the response to RAW can be each week. On Facebook, a lot of wrestling groups and people I follow were SO negative about every little thing last night. As I was watching it, I was thinking "This is pretty enjoyable." I saw so many tweets and posts about "Snoozefest" for Sheamus vs. Reigns. Yes,

Rusev stumbling with his crutches really made me laugh. Heartbroken injured Rusev has been really entertaining. Sure, he's kind of coming across as a joke, but once he actually destroys Ziggler (maybe on his way out the door of the company for good?) it's going to look awesome.

I did like that JBL was basically saying "Cena was rubbing it in, he only said Owens arrived AFTER he beat him, which makes no sense!" because it's 100% the truth. Cena really was doing a dickhead, heel move by raising Owens' arm after their MITB match.

I can't think of anybody Lesnar had ever legit injured other than Bob Holly. He looks like he works incredibly stiff and reckless, but he's pretty safe from what people say.

I feel like people either are still really, really on board with Wyatt and what he's doing (like I am), or people are sick of it and think it's really cheesy. In the PG climate we're in right now, I think Wyatt is about as disturbing as he can get. I think the fact that they don't necessarily keep him in a feud 100%

The best part of every episode was how he'd introduce the panel section with increasingly more ridiculous catchphrases, my favorite being: