Matt Steele

I'd love to see Kenny King get a shot in NXT or WWE. But knowing Vince, he'd be turned into "Newest New Day Member, Kerry Krown!"

Emma was treated like a dogshit comedy act right away, and JBL was happy to shit on her every appearance on-screen. Paige won the title in her very first match, but looked super weak in the process, and then continued to play a plucky babyface underdog who kept pulling out victories, which is NOT what Paige was ever

More on this, please?

To me, this is like wanting to watch a Vietnam movie because you heard "Fortunate Son" or "For What It's Worth" or "All Along the Watchtower" during the trailer. It's cliched as hell, but damn it, it always works.

I think it looked cheap and garish because that's how home decor looked in the late 70s. I also applaud The Americans for not looking like That 80s Show or The Goldbergs and being incredibly realistic in its production design and wardrobe for the time period.

This sort of goes against the MIB's powers, though. He wasn't smoke and he wasn't in the form of another. He was a disembodied voice. And he somehow caused a mini-Earthquake. And that voice was only heard by one of the people in the cabin. When he reappeared as Christian in the cabin with Claire, that made a lot more

While I love the "character" of Mark Cuban on Shark Tank, the guy seems like the biggest douchebag in the world in real life. Do you guys remember that mop top he used to rock 10 years ago while practically sitting on the bench at Mavs games? He actually thought that was a "cool" haircut!

I couldn't agree more. Last season he was kind of a lovable loser. This season he's just a pathetic loser, and he's much funnier as a result. I still can't get over how badly he was fucking with his cousin in that episode earlier in the season.

Yeah, Cena kind of won me back over during that first Rock feud. Rock's shtick got old real fast, and Cena's promos felt better and more intense than they had in YEARS during that feud. To say Cena is one of the worst ever on the mic is just laughable and idiotic.

I'm really dreading the day Bayley gets called up, simply for how JBL will react. He basically shit on Emma right out of the gate in 2014. "She can't dance! What is this crap? Get her out of here, she doesn't belong here!" is basically what he had to say about Emma every time she came out, because she's a goofy

I would have been very upset if "Tender" wasn't on this list. It is, and thusly, I am not.

Jesus and Magneto fought in a battle to the death. Both died.


The "pencil magic trick" has to be one of the most violent-yet-bloodless murders I've ever seen in a movie. It's the right kind of funny for The Joker, but it's terrifying. At first you think, "Oh man, he just took that guy's eye out," and then you realize, "Oh, no, he's fucking dead."

He's on 2 You Made It Weirds, and they are both great. One was primarily about his issues with sex, the other one was about his issues with drugs and partying, I believe. And they were both amazing and hilarious. He's the type of comic who I first looked at and immediately thought "There's no way I will like that guy"

Yeah, why would anyone make a joke on a comedy podcast? Think about that poor engineer's self esteem, wouldn't you?!

No offense, but do people still really not understand that Earwolf podcast hosts shitting on their engineers is kind of a running joke at this point? Hollywood Handbook has perfected the art of it, but this type of thing happens on FM radio all the time too. If someone's job is to not be heard and to keep the show

These guys really crack my whole shit up.

PrivLo? Sounds too scary for me.

I need to watch this but I don't get IFC anymore. I can't wait for that to be on Netflix. Forsythia is one of my all time favorite CBB guests. Also, I kind of have a crush on Parham. Her voice does it for me (and she's very pretty).