Gern Blanston

I just hope that's the title of a show.

And old just means "before 2000" now.

Fixes the cable.

I was just worried that the lady from Top Chef was in some kind of danger.

Wanking off in the corner, for me, but I stayed facing away from the wall so I could see what happened on screen.

Well, that would be the worst way to recommend it, wouldn't it.

Is that the guy with the huge ackman?

Better out than in, if you ask me.

"beginning to change" means they were changing in a way that opened the door to a mildly left of center moderate dem if circumstances were right, not "decisively changed." Eight years later, they had changed further to the extent that a republican had to have certain circumstances in place in order to win. Hence W's

Because the economy wasn't perceived to be in an upswing (and wasn't, in fact, by several measures). And because the GOP had held the presidency for three terms, the country was restless for something else, and demographics were beginning to swing the dems' way. In other words, broad brush factors. Not because an ad

"the famous “Revolving Door” ad that more or less single-handedly destroyed Michael Dukakis"…

Since I can always just watch the actual video, can anyone explain what the point of these things is? For momentarily hip celebrities to see how pointless and smug they can make something and still be called a genius and suchlike like the cool kid in high school?

D'angelo kinda glances at something I've never seen a definitive answer to…did anyone ever state outright that the "Newhart-style" phone conversations are in fact inspired (or "inspired") by Bob Newhart's standup? Early 60s would've been right when they were in vogue, so I can't imagine they weren't, but I don't think

But my boss is an ass in public!

Good for you. But who'm *I* gonna call?!?

My honor has been at rest for years. It needs no help from the prosecution.

In case your post gets derailed by Toxic Avenger related objections, I just wanted to say that you make a very interesting, well written point about the movie itself. I wonder if the (apparent) incompetence of the film makes it an accidentally accurate reflection of those experience/feelings, even if not an

Be more specific.

We don't here either. The nuts-ness is the media-driven paranoia.

Yeah, but man, that courtroom showdown.