
I can respect that. But when you say rentals I can't help but think of the scene in Days of Thunder when Rowdy and Cole go hooning it up racing against each other in those Luminas.

My 04 was silver metallic, then I went with dark grey metallic for my 2011

They are pretty solid engines. I hooned around a lot in my 04, I was 25 when I bought it. I had fun in that car for nearly 8 years and put about 90,000 miles on it before trading it in for my 2011. The only "major" failure I had was having to replace a half shaft, but that's because the aftermarket exhaust was too

Never have a chance to use that power? What about 1st and 2nd? I have fun sliding a AWD car, granted you just need to first press the button to turn off traction control or as I call it the fun button.

If that's wrong, you don't need to be right.

Well at least you get to stay in the family. I got lucky, not only is my wife ok with me sticking to buying WRXs (she actually loves my car) but I got her hooked on Subaru. She got a 2010 Impreza but then "had" to get the 2013 CrossTrek and now she's totally content with her car.

My two favorites are the '04 and '11. What's that? No, it's a total coincidence that those are the two I bought...I'm not biased.

To be fair if someone has physical access and some time then security is pretty much out the window no matter what you're talking about.

There's nothing my wife and I can do except throw out our two cats and dog. But we live in an apartment and they are pretty much our kids. My cat loves to crawl under the covers. We come home and just see lump in our bed.

But if that's the case, then maybe it follows that the Millennials don't have the cash to maintain their vehicles properly, which is crucial to keeping older cars on the road — something we've hit record levels of lately. Are younger folks really bad at maintaining their vehicles?

If that's the way you feel about your marriage and if it works for you good for you. But as to your theoretical spouse who's a novelist, it depends where they live. In a community property state each person would get half of what was earned by both parties or debt accrued while they were married, if an agreement

That system can work until something catastrophic or unexpected happens. You love the other person so you're not going to sit there and say sucks to be you, you help them out. It sounds like your current system would be no different if the accounts were combined. If you're both responsible adults and one month you

Maybe that wasn't your intention but reading the words "a career, a trade, a craft. Those are very personal". How much more personal can one get than sharing their life with another? Or have you considered that when someone gives credit to their spouse it's because maybe that spouse inspired them, pushed them when

I've been married for nearly 16 years. I don't understand why people feel the need to keep separate finances. It seems to me the only logical reason to do that is because people don't plan to stay together. If you are willing to marry someone and share your life with them, sharing finances shouldn't be a problem. That

Yes they do have an active method of tracking your car in real time. It's called your cell phone.

No problem, we are all entitled to our opinions. No matter our disagreement, I can say having pain on a daily basis sucks and I hope you or others never have to experience that. Safe travels

But it is altering your input. If your input is none, it alters that to avoid the collision. Planes have collision avoidance systems and auto pilot, yet millions upon millions of people have no problems hopping in a plane with those systems in place.

Wouldn't that be awesome. Everytime I see a biker I always move over a bit in my lane to give them more room to split. You guys have no protection compared the metal giants on the road.

Maybe, but car if car sales are an indication....There's about 250 million cars on the road so in 10 years (not a really long time) half would have new tech.