
So wait when “Gods of Egypt” whitewashes their gods there is uproar because, “How dare fake gods with Bird heads and Jackal heads be played by white people.” but then it is wrong to want to have greek gods be greek? This is the hypocrisy that the average person laughs at and why they will never side with the far left.

First, it is not false and the accounts a man with an arrest warrant who attempted to kill the cops is not an actual source.

Wow you are dumb as hell. I am correctly pointing out that the man was jumped by Martin and was defending himself. Facts are fun and you should learn them before you post again.

Except of course that he did not initiate the confrontation. Martin was clearly in the wrong here thus why the jury found Zimmerman not guilty. Martin initiated a confrontation when he decided to jump Zimmerman and try to kill him, interesting how you keep leaving that part out.

First, according to the only evidence we have they did identify themselves as police. Now the Grand Jury must have more evidence if that happened or not. Second, all SWAT and Cops have clear as day markings that prove they are in fact SWAT and Cops.

Zimmermann, legally armed and acting as a community watch member, followed Martin who acted suspicious by peaking into windows and darting from house to house. He was told by a person with no authority that the cops should handle it. Not close to the legal definition of the word stalking.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a direct sequel to a PS4 game that Sony paid to make.

No, Zimmermann was not “stalking” Martin. So Martin gets to defend himself but not the actual victim of violence? Using your logic, if Martin didnt want to get “stalked” he shouldnt have been going back and forth thru peoples yards.

“Armed Intruders” you mean cops that identified themselves as cops?

So in your mind it is justified to shoot and kill cops that are using a warrant to enter your house but wrong for a man to kill a person trying to smash his head into the pavement?

So wait...you are literally arguing that Trayvon has the right to beat up and attempt to kill anyone he “thinks” is stalking him and the person on the other end has to just take the beating and be okay with being killed? 

Yeah tell me more about not being run by vindictive children when they banned CupHead from PS4, prevented the Tomb Raider sequel from being on the PS4 for 1 year, when they laughed at Sony about crossplatform last gen....

Are you joking? Remember when Sony went to Microsoft about crossplatform gaming in the PS3 era while the Xbox 360 dominated? They were laughed at by Microsoft. Yet when the Xbone gets demolished by the PS4 suddenly Sony is evil for wanting to treat Microsoft how they were treated? Grow up