
See, that’s only a 19.8:1 women-to-men ratio. Downright egalitarian compared to the 140:1 median pay ratio. Progress!

guaranteed assertion that for some reason a dude stacking shelves is entitled to similar pay as the CEO

Or started reading the Wall street journal in high school to look cool in front of the other guys in the yuppie subdivision.

Largely true. 24 of Fortune 500 are women.

I know a bunch of guys at GE, they are sharing in the losses...

This is why I take home paper clips tbh

I’m still pissed that nobody took Mitt to task over KB Toys.

Yeah we kept getting emails about all the savings yet I got my lowest raise ever.

Yeah, remember how the money companies saved through the new tax plan would go right back to employees?

No, most conservatives will say that it’s none our fucking business what anyone makes.

Most Americans aren’t aware just how large the gap between CEO and drone pay is. If this helps, it might sharpen the pitchforks...

The worst scam is the CEO who selflessly proclaims s/he will only take a 1 dollar salary during the belt tightening, never mentioning the stock options and bonuses they get. Really the base salary is the smallest part of their compensation.

Every argument for extreme CEO pay sounds like it was written by a freshman who just took their first economics course. Or by someone who still believes the Great Man theory of history.

Which is why CEOs are scared to death of the actual numbers coming out. Right now it’s an abstract concept to the average American worker. Having it available for all to see would force the average American worker to think a bit harder about the vast inequity baked into the system for no good reason.

The company I worked for during the 2009 crisis had to cut everyone’s pay, but they made a huge deal about the C-level and upper management getting their 10% haircut first. Then everyone else got whacked a month later.

Remember when Mittbot was running, somebody pointed out that when his dad, George Romney, was running AMC (54-62) his salary was something like 10x that of the average worker, and that the marginal tax rate at the time was 90% (over $250,000).

I am a firm believer that we should eliminate the minimum wage and institute a maximum multiplier instead. Make it so that you can pay as low a wage as you want, but the maximum multiplier in annual salary between the highest and lowest paid person should be 30. You want to pay people $2 an hour and limit them all to

A few people are going to get angry, but most Americans are just going shrug and think, “Why would the company pay them that much if they weren’t worth it?” while Conservative Twitter whines about progressives being envious of hard-earned riches in between telling wealthy athletes to shut up and stick to sports.

There is no I in team but three in Chief Executive Officer.

he’s grown quite adept at traveling that route on his way to the hoop.