
Donald Trump’s career is ironically aligned with the Loot Box / Gambling / Pay 2 Win model. He is just overtly racist, while big corporations are more into class wars and war against the poor, of any race.

When Bill mentions “someone who was with Kraft last week” he’s either talking about one of Kraft’s “dancer friends” or Marky Mark Mark’s penis.

And by “good” you mean relative to other garbage like Forrest Trump.

He’s fully transformed from FanBoiSlantFratBoiBlogger who started this faux-gangtsa shit to “I know lots of connected people and can’t name them but...”

ACCESS MERCHANTS! Deadspin has a lot on this topic I believe (COncourse or whatever) They have to play nice because SHS is their homeroom teacher and she’s taking attendance!

When you say you teach at the college level, does that mean you are actually homeschooling Tebow on his PhD in circumcision or do you teach at the college level, at an actual college?

Is Doc Rivers the GM of the Cavs? Half the roster has that “didn’t he used to play for me or someone I know or didn’t Danny Ainge like this guy 10 years ago?” whiff to it.

The sad truth is many people who come out of a rehab, are statistically likely to go back to abusing within the next 6 months.

Ooh the hawt takes will come soon enough about “not enough minutes for the SF spot”... in the “positionless NBA” we need more MINUTES AT A SPECIFIC POSITION.

Shelbourne is doing her job, creating content. Now she is creating a situation that she hopes will generate more content. Hire her for Deadspin?

Lifelong Patriots/Celtics fan: I’m over here dealing with a fake-deep thinker at the point guard and a very stable genius disciple throwing creepy tantrums while demanding the franchise sacrifice our virgin Garoppolos in order to increase his god-powers.

Not true! So sayeth the Elite Yelpers

Designs by Sons of Odin?

David Lee Roth replaced Howard Stern, so why not Gruden?

Good points, MEN IN CHARGE should never be held responsible for failures, that’s on the underlings who are lazy non-bootstrappers who TAKE DAYS OFF!

Art Shell, lets ‘memba some guys!

His kick motions remind me of the hand jobs I used to get from the Catholic girls. Poking, prodding, unsure of what to touch...

The funny part is that’s how naive people are, they think that all the tech-bros are just hiring randos. They are hiring their frat bros etc... happens everywhere. Like the white house for example “D

Yep that would be the extrapolation of my typographic error.

They should have considered the fact that 99.9% of anime fans don’t even pay their parents for rent, nevermind pony up $$ for anime