Objective Fact: The most memorable and talked about scene in TLJ is the High Pants No Shirt meme.
Objective Fact: The most memorable and talked about scene in TLJ is the High Pants No Shirt meme.
TFA aint great, but it’s objectively better than the prequels in every conceivable way. Dialog, pacing, special effects, acting, writing. Mostly because the prequels are aggressively bad nonsense without any real point to them other than backstories...
I disagree with the premise that retroactively explained beats somehow makes something better. You can say it makes more logical sense within the constraints of the films. You can say that the references and callbacks and fanservice is more spot on.
I interviewed w/ IGN many moons ago, and one of the things I was told by the then EIC/Office Head (not Butts at the time) was that what he loved most about working at IGN was he got to “work with all my friends”. Struck me as an odd thing to reveal, but it was honest.
everytime I do a ribeye (almost all the time lately because trader joes has decent ribeye) I trim like 40% of the fat myself, because I feel like I have to. So much work, I trim and clip and snip... I can’t help myself.
Bernaise is like a sophisticated hollandaise, that’s what I tell myself when I drink it.
This is confirmed, Chimichurri was on Al Roker Today show in 2017 so it’s clearly for the plebs, rubes and marks.
a lot like The Last Jedi. Yeah good message (anyone can make a difference!) but holy shit was it told in a really on the nose, aggravating, meandering way.
The trailer for this movie isn’t nearly as bad as the press Matt Damon is doing. He did that rap about how this project, this is the one that he is most proud of!
It’s even worse with the “pros” tell you about super methods that work because (5 super bowl rings!)
You are both wrong and right. Bo Jackson only did push-ups, was he wrong or right? HamNo only does squats. Brady-bot only does rubber bands...Oprah eats potatoes!
YOU CAN’T JUST TRUST THOSE YOUTUBE VIDEOS BRUH, YOU GOTTA GET A REAL PERSONAL TRAINER. Here, check out this Facebook link to my bruh he will hook you up.
Great point, like those Matt Damon Poop-Fries that burger king is hocking.
/nods regarding The Expanse being awesome TV
Potential earnings is always a thing. there is always the potential for 1 more payday here.
Chuck Liddell was still a draw 8 years after his prime.
I love the internet, they think that was his daughter! The best
It’s potentially more lucrative for the UFC if Connor never fights any of those guys.
This is confirmed, because I watch one play and think “Holy shit Gortat can do whatever he wants and should be averaging 17, 10, and 3 blks per game
The Wiz are “the best matchup for the Cavs” to beat in 4 games. You can quote the wiz on that!