
C’est bon d’être le roi

Seems like forever ago, but I could have sworn there were some mild takes early on as to whether Lynch of Wentz was the smarter pick.

That’s all they could get for a Mr. Saturday Matinee Good Looks? They didn’t even toss in a few strippers for Mr Kraft to oggle?

The 2nd best free agent is Doug Flutie.

Yeah what does Kevin Spacey have to do with that show he’s on anyway!

LCK is a hero to the bro-force/gamergater closet trumplings. All the LCK fans in my online gaming circles were having a hilarious time thinking of all the sexual assault-related Halloween costumes they could come up with.

Gamergater sub dry up on ya?

Steven Adams is the only thing good about the new Justice League movie coming.

Explain to me again why you’re so upset” is a quick, enraging one to try for fun!

I’ve been on the “Kevin Spacey is an arrogant fraud” train forever! American Beauty was fucking bullshit! The Usual Suspects is quite possibly the 7th most over rated movie of all time.

6'7" and athletic. Nobody actually watches Pistons games, but on paper he “looks like he has an NBA body”

LeBron should have traded for Avery B. before the C’s dumped him. Crowder is what we thought he was (a backup hybrid who needs a great coach/scheme).

yeah as much as I thought the combat was completely unfair and had no real path to improve your character other than the linear missions... I somehow played like 40 hours of this game.

Way of the Samurai series on the PS2 was “open world” ish

Does HZD really qualify as a good game if it doesn’t have loot boxes and a sequel or a “10 year plan”?

It had a nice sounding combat system (like a Baldurs Gate RTWP) on paper, but the game was an unbalanced nightmare to play. Combat was absolute boring, punishing nonsense.

Where are all the Ty Lue isn’t a good coach takes? We’ve been waiting.

Anytime you get the chance to trade a potential superstar wing rookie for a tweener dinosaur floor spacer on a big contract, you have to take it!

If CLE had a real H.C. it might even work!

It’s almost as if he’s not getting good coaching?