
Pro-tip. I work in a top-in-industry company with 10,000+ workers. I see about 15% of men in the restroom, NOT WASHING THEIR HANDs. All races, all clothing styles.

I am against socialized, enforced touching of non-loved ones. I still fall into it, I shake and if someone goes for a hug I hug, but I usually position myself so that I can just wave, or be running away and can reach back for a fist bump.

Does he know the Jets need a QB1?

Depends on the box.

I’ve always been on the “hunt” for a Nielsen participant, it wasn’t until 30+ years of life that I finally met someone who told me they were in it. Oddly the couple was one of the few regular cigarette smokers I knew personally.

Change it to a P2W mobile game with competitive online, instant free money for 6 months.

Why not a Chef Curry Under-Armor, Brady’s Uggs mash up shoe for the true GOAT footwear? Who says no first?

Noticeable to baseball dads, but umps barely GAF.

When was the last time someone said “have a blessed day” and wasn’t being a snarky douchewagon about it?

Ahh the old if they don’t get the hint, choke them out method for break ups... :/

Did you find that one on Bodybuilding.com forums of reddit/gamergaters4trump

About how many of those kindergarten kids do you think you could fight at once before getting Jon Snowed in?

That comment would have worked before today, look closer at the pic bae.

That gives me a money making idea, Edelman vs. Mayweather II (Tinder-Bro-Grit vs Hoodie-Thuggery!) who says no?

Great piece, good luck with the book. I think in the end Diablo 3 is obviously a successful game sales wise and has a large fanbase, I just find it empty, tedious and lacking any sense of wonder that the original Diablo had.

Yes, yes, let the union bashing hate flow through you! Always blame the unions and the workers with no leverage!

A football player under guaranteed contract just announced yesterday that he would like to literally DIE ON THE FIELD for “the game”.

Don’t bite on the hero complex narrative. Circumstances, and economic pressures have a lot more to do with how billionaires rape workers than nostalgic hero narratives.

He’s clearly speaking to Trumplings and those who “want to die on the field”. Blaming the ‘lamestream media’ is the way of things for them.

Amazing hawt take, you mean to tell us that billionaires have the better outcome in this deal? Amazing revelation bruh. Your post is 1000x better than Dom’s article which wastes time on pertinent, quotes, researched and cross referenced facts, and factual analysis from experts.