
I don’t think it’s even legally possible.

They release an HD update but it’s $29.99. Everyone wins!

Nintendo is never going to allow itself to be bought by a Western company. Ever. 

Babylon Bee writers on it for tomorrow morning posts.

but we will do it in a big way because we love it too” ergo they are once more gonna try and monetize mods and probably force users to use some wonky mod store thingy...

Insiders have been rumbling about this for a while.

This list is…. Something. Hera and Chopper? Two of the main characters are “Easter eggs”?

While I’m glad that schools have cracked down on bullying since my days, but I feel like half these TikTok kids wouldn’t try these antics if they had gotten their asses kicked in school. Makes you really understand risk/reward when you understand that “socked in the mouth” is a possible outcome.

Ah yes, how dare the consumer foolishly think that a port studio would properly port something 

There are up to 20 named characters that can join your crew, follow you around, and carry your stuff’

dozens of videos and multiple podcast episodes a week”

If anyone at Sony is reading this, please consider that you have (in my opinion) two equally good options: either let it be, or shut this thing down and get a real remaster going.

It’s really easy to accidently download and install a nude mod. Give these guys a break.

Nintendo doesn’t run with the pack, they are a lone wolf in their own forest. Major revolt? I doubt it. Lots of whining followed by Nintendo fanboys licking their wounds and accepting that they have to re-buy their favorites, now with updated textures and faster frame rates! Plus Nintendo will have an ace up their

Just had one of those moments when you realize your too old to understand or care about much of the pop media taking place today. 

So I guess this is a thing now? Everyone coming out of the woodwork saying they were invited to go down in the submersible?

Yup! This plus gamepass at a steep discount a year from release #feelsgood.

not at all. Nintendo is in the business to make money. The mobile game is free to play. How do you expect them to earn revenue off their free game?  If they pummel the game with ads, you’d complain about that too.  Loot crates, of which you can choose to buy or not, is really the only viable strategy in the mobile

Wait. You mean to tell me that even the most pathetic fanboy’s fake relationship can grow into something even more not-real, and the object of their ogling is even LESS aware of their presence now?

Why can’t Nintendo just make their games unplayable until the day they want the official release to be? If you end up with a copy that fell off the back of a truck and try to boot it before the street date it won’t load or better yet your system bricks. Try harder Nintendo.