
Nintendo doesn’t run with the pack, they are a lone wolf in their own forest. Major revolt? I doubt it. Lots of whining followed by Nintendo fanboys licking their wounds and accepting that they have to re-buy their favorites, now with updated textures and faster frame rates! Plus Nintendo will have an ace up their

It samples music from NES games. Prob not related.

Finally, a beacon of morality and ethics. 

Even if Illumination does get it, and it’s a cartoony romp, I bet it still makes us all cry at least once.

Many, many brave Pikmin will die violent deaths to save Captian Olimar. I hope the brutal guilt that will incur is worked into the story.

Others were frustrated after buying a Quest 2 in the hopes of playing the port” Gimmie a break. 

I am here for the improved graphics and more realistic crocodiles.

Open a patreon and get some pity bucks.

Why can’t Nintendo just make their games unplayable until the day they want the official release to be? If you end up with a copy that fell off the back of a truck and try to boot it before the street date it won’t load or better yet your system bricks. Try harder Nintendo. 

My thoughts exactly.

Making Nintendo’s next hardware backwards compatible with the entire Switch library makes no sense financially. Better for them to cherry pick the best sellers and sell them to the fans a 2nd time under the guise of ‘Remastered’. The fanbase has proven over and over that they will pay for the same game many times. It

If they had a scene with two Mandos knocking boots, both with their helmets on (obviously), would that come off as ridiculous, or incredible?

The Symbiotic relationship that is Nintendo’s lawyers and Kotaku’s writers continues. 

Who will voice Link in the Zelda movies?

Do you think it doesn’t take effort, skill or work to rob a bank? Eat a snickers pal. Breath. 

Not if Nintendo’s lawyers have anything to say about it. (kidding) 

If Kotaku were to stop reporting on this man he would literally cease to exist.

The weapons that are unbreakable are hidden in the traditional dungeons.