
So far, the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences has yet to issue an official statement in response to the critiques.’ Because it’s a BS woke take that doesn’t deserve one.

Worked with him years a go in Toronto, incredible kind man. Loved him in Strange Ways and Private Ryan. Rest in peace, you will be missed.

Lets not pretend that North America and Europe haven’t demonized Russia and made it a punching bag for all types of media for the last 70 yeas.

When playing with other players does everyone get a lobotomized helper or do we all share the one?

My dreams of Tears of the Kingdom being a two player co-op with Link and Zelda have withered and died with this new trailer. Sigh, maybe next game.

I don’t think Alien 3 or The Mist are depressing at all. Hard endings for the main characters for sure but the viewer walks away entertained, not depressed. 

Looking forward to killing hundreds of militia and religious zealots as Cassie. Bet she snaps them necks just like mum and dad.

Yeah, just slightly more controversial than Dogma, lmao. Also where is Man Bites Dog?

As a Canadian artist who has been part of projects that get funded and rejected I can say that it has been my experience that they don’t even read your submissions. They just randomly choose those that get funded, and once you get funded your foot is firmly in the door. 

Ok kotaku employee.

Yes! You nailed it. 100% STFU if you are making a fan game.

Was waiting for the writer to bring up EFT the entire article, lol.

Was not expecting a personal UFO vehicle.

Definitely a crack in the lens for a sec on the original.

Great article. I’ve been frustrated by this for a long time. My partner and i call these films ‘mumblers’ and I would submit 2011's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy as the worst film I’ve ever tried to hear.

I normally hate most everything but I am 100% OK with this.

This is all it took to ‘permanently tarnish’ one of the coolest characters from your favorite game? Tear down your Goonies posters and have a good cry i guess.

So, these are videogame characters, right?

Cool Mega Drive vibes. Limited color pallet. Looks amazing!

Can’t they just record another one? I’m pretty sure even my six year old Zoom recorder would be fine. I don’t understand. I need coffee.