
You speak like someone with little to no real financial obligations, or children... imagine if every week that you went to work, you’d legitimately have to fear your salary would randomly change by a double-digit percentage, usually down, with no logic or explanation of why or how to avoid it. And you then cannot

Like I said to another poster, why are you assuming he’s speaking about it in a moral sense, rather than a technical one?

I mean, that’s clearly what he meant, they are similar in technical terms and exploit or 3rd party tool usage... and it’s kind of shitty to assume he’s THAT stupid - to equate them as being the

Oh, right, because speedrunners never use exploits and 3rd party programs! /sarcasm

(it’s literally a staple of the scene, unless they are part of the small group of “pure” speedrunners who speedrun in communities that have rules saying to always use the latest version of the product and also somehow try to determine

“I have a feeling that the people working behind the scenes at companies like Blizzard in order to detect these things have far, far more sophisticated understandings of how to craft this detection than the people who make cheat tools have at avoiding detection.”

I couldn’t disagree with this more. I mean, the whole

So when will Blizzard start being able to detect the REAL cheaters on the console versions of overwatch... those using KB/Mouse controls with one of those special dongles that allow them!

It’s well known that pretty much all of the top players on the console versions are using this tech, and it’s one of the biggest

I know this makes people angry and you’ll assume I’m a fanboy, but I assure you gaming PCs and server builds are my profession - for 20 years. Anyway...

Give NVIDIA a try. I really, honestly wish I could tell you AMD was truly competitive in the GPU or CPU space these days... but that hasn’t been true for years.

Well, it has had an actual effect for years, as long as that mobo/CPU/GPU combo was Intel/NVIDIA, rather than AMD/ATI! Heheh

Maybe they fixed this since I last played Just Cause 3 (I did play months after release, so I assumed most of the major patching had been done already for the most part)... but alas, even with my 3 generation old i7 @ 4.66Ghz and a overclocked GTX 1080, it ran perfectly at max settings with 60 FPS... EXCEPT every time

How is it a joke if it’s a real problem though? You seemed to be stating fact with hyperbole, to me. Because it does (or did) do that stuff, especially when you had it configured wrong (and the right config is to turn everything GFE does off, aside from telling you when driver updates are available and

This is a decent solution, and it does seem to (very slowly) seem to be getting better at picking settings.

But it ALWAYS seems to massively underestimate the best settings in my case, and I think that’s largely because people actually using GFE to tune their settings are running a PC with innate user-induced issues

LOL. He schooled you, and the worst part: anyone with half a brain could have on such an obvious and logical topic. PC gamers are not better players by default, but they are overall on average for SOME reason, and that is likely exactly what Brakespear listed. Doesn’t mean certain console players can’t dominate most

Agreed, and this missed point was one of the most important parts to cover. However, I can almost guarantee you he was using KB/Mouse on the console versions as well, which he can do with an adapter and no one would know. All, or 99%, of the top players on console Overwatch are using the dongle to emulate a

“until they can actually back that claim up with real proof (as in an actual test, with actual results, that can actually be measured, and clearly point to this case, remembering at all times that correlation is not causation)“

You’d be the only one seeking that level of scientific proof, though. Nobody else is going

Take a look at every pro player in EXISTENCE!

Even those that are playing on console (for some reason) are using adapters to allow them KB/Mouse on the console version. There was an article about it not too long ago, practically all the top players on both PC AND console were using KB/Mouse in Overwatch, for

Except that the current Marvel audience is mostly adults, these days - and the current crop of movies is about as violent as GTA is, frankly - not much blood, but more realistic - which compensates, IMO.

So I say they’re aimed at adults! SAVE THE PARENTS!

Lack of exposing a newborn, during birth, to (actually, quite large) amounts of radiation is just a bonus, then?

Bethesda’s QA dept, and whomever seems to take over the development after launch, responsible for fixing all the issues with patches, are possibly the worst in the industry. That, or their QA work and the bugs they find are mostly ignored.

I could actually live with the games being buggy at launch, as they always have

But Might No. 9 wasn’t even “so bad that it’s good” like Trolls 2 was! It was just “so bad it’s an abomination”, haha!

(I’m kidding, I realize you were talking about the cracking heads part).

Hopefully you keep a look out for them, but also stick to the usual standard of being interesting, amazing, or funny. Not... boring and the most generic bug ever, haha!

They should have, but then they wouldn’t keep the “ABC’s Lost”-like player base who are continuously holding onto hope that there is a neat ending eventually that wraps it all up nicely and explains the remaining mysteries... when in reality, there isn’t one planned and they’re making up shit on the go.