If you find Dakota Johnson saying things in a monotone way amusing, I’ve got really good news for you.
If you find Dakota Johnson saying things in a monotone way amusing, I’ve got really good news for you.
Right, and I do not entirely disagree with you, but you make it sound like she said that as general life advice. She was specifically referring to production companies and studios with lots of money. It’s the business playing it safe. Yeah, they might lose some money, or they might have the next Everything Everywhere…
i also think we maybe need to come to terms with the fact that’s the exception that proves the rule.
Samuel J. Jackson post-Secret War Nick Fury: “We need to get him off the streets before he does something he thinks is folksy, but is actually profoundly racist.”
If you’re talking about the actors and regular working people yes. However, I believe she is referring to Sony and the major studios. They are concerned about shareholders and investors.
“What’s going to happen if you do something brave?”
Her mom is melanie griffith, who is the daughter of tippi hedren, one of hitchcock’s go-to leading ladies
They don’t even need to be trolled. They are begging people to make them so they can keep cashing checks from Marvel. It’s like buying things you don’t want because you get frequent flier miles for them.
::reads article::
Yeah, this seems relevant:
What a dumb fucking article.
Inching closer and closer to the pop of the streaming bubble...
The tone of this piece being all over points to AI infused garbage.
The movies of Snyder are numerous in amount. One thing he made was Rebel Moon, or as morons call it, “Mature Star Wars”. Another famous moron was Neville Chamberlain. In conclusion, Snyder is a director of contrast. Thank you.
I’ve had this experience (minus the son) with almost every one of my favorite comedies. My conclusion is that comedy is very dependent on surprise, as well as my mood at the time.
You should see what he carries in his pants.
“They were still booing him when we came onstage!”
if that kramer vs kramer vs godzilla joke is any indicator this will be the third funniest movie of 1985.
I had no idea they were even married!
I enjoyed Ragnarok, but lets be clear, coming from the original Thor and The Dark World, both of which were rather dour trecks with relatively unappealing characters (save for Loki), you could really only go up from there.
In my opinion, we saw what Taiki unrestrained would do with the character, and we got Love &…
The mean judge told me I wasn’t allowed to be a nippleologist anymore.