Diseases Of Gene Hackman

"Baby calf looks like Gene Simmons, is immediately more interesting than him is."

Baby calf looks like Gene Simmons, is immediately more interesting than HE.


Or buy a T-shirt!

I just hope he chooses carefully, it's no wee matter.

Leave it to TMZ to leak this story.

Well, it shouldn't be too hard to find a technology whiz to do that for him.

Because they spent so much time shooting the breeze, humble bragging and shilling?

Probably. I have a hard time looking directly at Trump's face.

That joke stings.

I've become addicted to the My Favorite Murder podcast lately. I probably listen to three episodes a day while I sit at my desk.

To say nothing of that normally-proportioned waist.

You don't get to be worth $85 million by following the rules.

- Mark Twain

A George Harrison memorial tree was killed by actual beetles. The beetle infestation was eventually killed by Yoko Ono's music.

It's a trip, it's got a funky beat, and I can BUG OUT to it!

Ha ha, "solo."

Dear Imprudence
