
@Wolf_Dog: The motor driving and car driving is not about the mechanics, it's about what you see. Earth...destroyed. Hl2 "goodness" is in the entire dystopian package, these driving and boat levels, show the extent of the damage done to Earth by the combine. Imo, Hl2 is the best game ever made, play it till the end

anyone notice the lag when he's scrolling in the main menu?

Thank god for cold fusion.

@ePrometheus: Will some one please think of the children!

@nitespark99: You can only buy the apps/music/shows/ebooks from their digital library . Not even Apple computer software like iWork (the full version, which is like Office only worse.). Would have had more value if you could buy physical stuff.

If you ever worked at Best Buy, you'd find that a basic HDMI cable pricing at $90, has a cost of $12 (and that is the cost the employees see, not the real one). Ridiculous! And that was an in house brand. Stupid Monster cables.

I'm really liking this show. Rooster Teeth FTW. I never had a connection with the old Mario. Why don't pple do more Super Mario World stuff. sigh

"We don't ever create an accessory with the intent of having it fail", Albert Penello

Boom headshot!

PETA should have a private army and start taking matters into their own hands. They're not that convincing.

wow! So many people hate Facebook. I'm one of them. It's like Facebook somehow is forcing itself onto all of us. So if we hate it, why don't we just stop using it. Delete our accounts and make things simple.

at 00:55 you could see the car made a warp to lightspeed

@Yazah: I don't mean to diss the commenters on Kotaku, but

I still don't get why kids play Mature rated games in the first place. The liability is on the parent. But it's no secret, any one playing online GTA or Halo, or COD, there r tons of kids playing. Maybe mature games should be sold like cigarettes. Obviously this is hurting the kids, and ruining the industry's

@Sirobin: It's a chemical compound coated with a wax for waterproof, until it uses up as its fuel. In case of regular match, your fuel is Oxygen mostly. Unless you provide something with a lower pathway. They're used in many safety kits.

Same soundtrack from Dead Rising 1 I believe. When you go out in the night for the first time.

Can't wait. definitely getting augmented edition. Has to be console for me, I don't want to risk any lag. Eidos better not screw this one. IW was ok, but nothing compared to 1.

Are those real?

Just wrap your phone with 1 or 2 layers of Aluminum foil and it should block it (surely cheaper). Farday Cage style!

It's a fine line in the sand, when products become a national phenomenon. Who owns the rights? That's why a sport will never be owned by some one or some thing. Football (Soccer) is for every one (thank god). I don't need to get permission to play it. I think as gamers we will start to see more of this dialog, as