bah...the only contribution I can make is that sam's choice cola used to be $.54 here (metro NY), but has sky rocketed to $.79. #cleveruses
bah...the only contribution I can make is that sam's choice cola used to be $.54 here (metro NY), but has sky rocketed to $.79. #cleveruses
ahhhh, the good old PEBKAC
this was my own thing...but I recorded notes via a digital recorder while I wrote or typed them as well. Before any exams, I would go through my notes again while playing the recordings at the same time. This let me read and hear them at the same time, while also allowing me to "fill in the blanks" on things I…
I knew my super-duper fast click finger and a browser refresh button would benefit some person at some point.
no garlic or a cross? what happens if he encounters mossberg in the field?
Woot just aint what it used to be. They used to take the weekends off, had Woot-off's that lasted a day (it seems to have become a week-long marathon now) seems to have cut some kind of kickbacks with Roomba.
Two words for what to do with your CRT's...
take away the commercials and make it netflix-quality (HTPC at 1920x1080 is crap in terms of skipping/freezing/etc) and I'd pay
careful with the iPod/FW400 backup the event that you need to run into the Apple store or get a replacement, the only "current" apple computer that supports FW400 directly is the white macbook. Everything're outta luck =(
if you have really limited shelf space (or not) you can start randomly putting cans in and having a surprise meal every time you reach for a can.
iMovie? Really fellas?
whats an appropriately sized crock pot for a single bachelor? I'd obviously expect a few meals worth of leftovers...
Gawker listed as one of the "Most Overrated"
mark my words: at least one person is going to die, and at least 5 will be hospitalized because of this (and not because of the meal itself)
a well made boulet will kick any other holiday (including superbowl) snack's ass. You'll know this only if you've had a well made boulet (catch-22, I know)
I don't get why people are so pumped when a new release of office is introduced. Frankly, Office XP is just as functional for me as 2007 (windows) and I have found myself slowly boycotting office for mac in general (a word program should not take more than 5 seconds to open, let alone the 20-30 seconds that it takes…