my ugly face in a conversation? I duck out of iSight every time I setup an OS X "set user account picture" and then quickly proceed to select the fortune cookie (obviously) instead
my ugly face in a conversation? I duck out of iSight every time I setup an OS X "set user account picture" and then quickly proceed to select the fortune cookie (obviously) instead
I take the physically fit approach to get some exercise:
"Skate or Die II - Academia"
ohhhh, I get it. I read teamviewer and though remote connection, but it's really multiple inputs single output (MISO?)
it is SO funny battling UWS remotely...half the time the user thinks some bad juju is going on, the other half they seem to not understand the concept of "remote control" (as in...I am controlling your computer from another location)
back up...sweeeeeet
welcome aboard
I think the 5-pieced Popsicle stick "grenades" will serve their purpose extremely well
zip drives baby. The sales man said I'd be good for at least my children's generation
congrats fellas.
(as pictured below)
I'm a fan of the nasa night launch theme
textedit is my app of choice when it comes to anything document related. Word 2008 is an absolute failure in terms of opening speed, functionality and overall use. Excel and powerpoint do their job as they're supposed to, but please don't get me started on Entourage either.
whoa whoa, what's with all the anger? It's not like we're talking about Walt Mossberg or anything, right?
I sold more AppleCare, .Mac and ProCare in one quarter than most [redacted fruit] retail employees sell in a year or more. 103%/92%/89% bitchez (icing on the cake- easily joined the $500k + club)
job well done Tamar!