Counterpoint: The Daily Show would still be bad if Stewart were hosting it today. Comedy died the day the Bad Orange Man came down the escalator.
Counterpoint: The Daily Show would still be bad if Stewart were hosting it today. Comedy died the day the Bad Orange Man came down the escalator.
Not everyone can be as online as you.
Yeah, I read what you said and you so desperately want to have it both ways. You want to take the high road and pretend you’re against military intervention but somehow you can’t resist justifying it by parroting neocon talking points.
“fire on civilians” is a funny way to say “fire rubber bullets and tear gas on far-right protesters agitating for the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government and install an illegal, foreign backed puppet government.”
Actually the true monster was Dr. Frankenstein all along. Which is why we refer to him as “Frankenstein’s Monster”.
You kicked this off by calling people brainwashed and continue to pat yourself on the back because you read more HuffPo articles than everyone else. You can backtrack all you want and say you’re against intervention but that just makes it weirder that you’re shouting people down and accusing them of backing Maduro.
Christ, you’re sitting here painting everyone who is critical of the US installing another puppet government in South America as a rabid brainwashed supporter of Maduro. I think you’re the one who needs to back away from the keyboard and go outside.
Your avatar is a dumbass meme. Heal thyself.
Cool, do they work for Valero or Exxon?
Very cool comments my guy. Have fun backing an all white, exclusionary right wing party made up of the wealthiest citizens.
Tell me, will support for the Venezuelan people manifest itself in roving death squads and dropping university students from helicopters? Because thats usually a hallmark of US “help” in South America.
Yeah but you would think that a century’s worth of well documented US adventures in South America would at least give them pause this time.
The number of liberals on this article who find themselves in agreement with the Trump administration on the subject of US intervention in South America is fucking astounding.
Lighting? Did the lighting make their hair blond too? What the fuck are you smoking?
It’s a bit confusing.
Where is that quote from?
I love the Dark Knight and Heath Ledger’s performance but Killmonger is a vastly more compelling character and villian than the Joker.
Wow. You must live in a neighborhood with a lot of Paneras if it only takes you an hour to vote. Take that holier than thou attitude to the people in Atlanta who stood in line all day to vote for Stacy Abrams and see what it gets you.
“Why the fuck should anybody in the government care about the opinion of somebody who chooses not to vote when they have the chance?”
“stupid and intentionally misleading”