I doubt it, sadly. The readership has increased with each major change over the last 5 years.
I doubt it, sadly. The readership has increased with each major change over the last 5 years.
OT: I may be the only person on this site who hasn't seen Buffy, even though I was smack in the middle of its demo as it aired. I watched the first two episodes yesterday and my two thoughts were, 1. cool dialogue, and 2. how did they make seven great seasons and a spinoff out of this?
The way it was in 2011, to be specific. k thx!
rofl, when you click to load more comments in the side thingy it also skips down to the next article for you on the left side. Yea, this won't last.
Pop culture site impersonator accused of more than 900 useless, incremental design changes - none that its users actually wanted.
Odd how this is purely an AV Club change*, which shows they're open to making changes to the site, just not any of the ones we actually want.
I thought they were skipping this year?
*sigh* Oh, good!
I miss knowing..what to think?
I actually don't know. The other people who mentioned TI are probably right. I was referring to this http://www.avclub.com/tvclu…
Nope, they were a response to the roving Community thread's success
I don't remember. Some "controversial" opinion.
Yea, 'member you even bragged about it?
I do kinda miss getting downvoted and I'm jelly that Semi holds the record for most downvoted comment.
World's Greatest Commenting Plan
Whereas my experience with underwear is better described as First Blood.
She's her own person and like everyone else in the movie she's finding art in quotidian details, but Paterson never seems to respect her endeavors much, not for their craft anyway (while she does for his); she comes off being driven more by impulse.
Paterson thoughts