
I am amazed that you didn't know all-kill shelters existed..., which I think says more to my degree of cynicism and dread than anything.

When my boyfriend gets sushi without me it's worse than this. :P

That's why I posted the picture of my pup: she's a street dog from Taiwan. Another FMD (Taiwanese street dogs are often referred to as Formosan Mountain Dogs) owner also chimed in on her pup. Pariah / street dogs can make awesome pets! I'm in an FB group with ~1,000 people who have also adopted or owned Taiwanese

Astrid was found with her sister (who lives up the road surprisingly!), but yeah - even that short amount of time without humans has added some interesting complexity to her. Astrid only barks if Guy Bandit or I get her super excited, she will make little growling / snorting noises to get our attention when necessary

I have a Taiwanese Street Dog too! We got her at 2-months, and she's definitely timid around people, but so inquisitive! I also have never had a dog that is so adaptable or pleased to be around other dogs (or cats for that matter).

I'm gladdened about this, but these are not "stray dogs." These are free-ranging or pariah dogs, also referred to as street dogs. Finding a happy and supportive home for them is often not an option, which is why "catch, snip, release" programs really ought to be instated.

It's from the library so no money was spent on my part. I'm about 90% through, but have to say that I think Kubrick made it a far better story. ;)

Fuck, does this mean I have to finish reading The Shining? Not to be shallow, but his Twitter comment was totally my: "fuck this shit, I'm reading something else" moment. Now I feel compelled to finish the damn thing. :(

I literally read this after commenting on a friend's FB post of her dog at 6 weeks. WTF people? FUCKING PUPPIES!!?!

Thank you! I work for an engineering company and at any given time 50% of our copy is from an already printed document. We revise, we edit, but when it comes to legal, technical, etc. writing there's a lot of duplication and revising.

I don't know if the picture is real or not, but yes - this is absolutely a real thing, getting IV fluids to recover from a hang over. Hello professional athletes!

*shudder* Oh no, no Lifehacker. Guy Disco and occasionally make a batch of, you know, adult foods, like these calzones:

Well, maybe not diseased and rabid, but as the owner of a street dog I can assure people that Fido quickly goes back to the wolves and coyotes without human contact. And most street / pariah / feral dogs have been without regular human contact for generations.

Link? At least for me this is an aspect of the story that I haven't heard.

Our party definitely muted and proceeded to play some old school hip hop, but you know... to each their own!

May I chuck in, "You can tell. He looks like a creep / She looks like she's crazy" comments, too?

Thank you for bringing this up! I have now lived in Seattle for five years and know... probably exactly five people that grew up in a Seattle zip code. The rest of us are, well, from everywhere else.

I got my pup at 3 months from a rescue, and even going for those first 2 - 2.5 months with no human contact and only interacting with other dogs has created a drastic wealth of "doggy issues" such as timidness, shyness, boundary protectiveness, etc. Honestly, it took about a year before she'd enjoy getting petted and

This saddens me as I own a street / pariah dog, and because it's an interest ecological niche, and because I'm fascinated that after a few generations these dogs - worldwide - all start to take on a similar look.