
Yeah. Not a fan of the zipper look.

I am lucky to adore all of my doctors. If you live in Seattle and need recommendations I've got some good ones!

Small breweries: often just another boy's club.

Well that was 10K that could have went to a domestic violence shelter. Well done Jez!

Astrid is a Formosan Mountain Dog or Taiwanese Street Dog that a rescue (Salty Dog Rescue) brought over from Taiwan as a puppy. However, I've also met Nicaraguan and South African rescue street dogs that have the same exact look. Super great dog, good size for the city, and fairly timid yet curious when meeting

On neighborhood watch. ;)

I'm in Seattle with 3 AAs in close proximity. Though I usually don't shop there (they have some pretty nice tights), I have no problem grabbing their stuff from second hand stores. AA makes some respectable basics, but I can't afford it.

Formosan's dominate at agility!

The contemporary / western cult of mindfulness has definitely produced some selfish fucks.

I definitely left the theater with ridiculously dry contact-eyes, because I never wanted to blink.

I felt it was less the 3D experience for Gravity, but more along the lines of Lawrence of Arabia: you need to watch it big, giant even. The space (and actual space) will not be the same on a small screen.

Oh you indie rock people! ;)

Thanks for clarifying! Totally thought there was some bro frat tradition I was clueless on.

Yeah... I've dated two men that experienced bouts of unemployment while we were together, and both times I was in good to successful positions. Their feeling shitty and anxious because they grew up in a society / culture / environment that told them they were supposed to be Men and Caretakers doesn't mean they

Well, I'm pretty sure only women Nordstroms' employees provide bra fittings. Also, Nordstroms is a bit on the upper end money wise for department stores. (I can't afford to shop their, but still - go for the fittings!) They are all over being discreet, polite, and helpful.

Not to dismiss wealth, privilege, and racism, but —- I'm sure a lot also depends on what if anything was said by Lil Za and Bieber.

Eh, the whole naked bit doesn't bother me at all. But based on previous store fittings where they measure over your clothes it was a pleasant surprise when they asked me to remove my shirt and bra. And by pleasant I mean it was exciting to get an actual fitting.

Best free bra fitting: Nordstroms. Prepare to discreetly bare your bosom to a store clerk, but they're professional and do an amazing job.

I had a college professor that told everyone to immediately stop and look around. At any given time men consume more physical sprawl space than women. Obviously not always true, but next time you're, well, out anywhere in mixed company look around. Women tend to gather their physical possessions in close proximity,