
And the hits just keep on coming:

This makes me think his arguments in Marbury V. Madison went something like: "But, but, but I don't wanna deliver the commission, Mr. Chief Jussstiss That Marbury is a big scary Federalist! Pleeeeeeeeease Mr. Chief Jusstissss, please don't make poor little ol' me do it!"

I just got back to Cleveland from St. Louis or I would write more.

thank you for calling me on my I'm unproductive snarkiness. However my comments were aimed at the legislatures of states where there is a disproportionate amount of anti choice legislation is being proposed. That being said you called it yourself in your comment, its up to you the voting population to change policy

Oh god, I made the mistake of googling it.

So at least half of the comments I have read here refer to "female privilege". WTF is that? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH unicorns.

I'm pretty sure an inability to understand 50% of your constituents makes you unfit to govern....unless you're legislating is one of those ass backwards states like North South Idanabraskakotassippi.....

As one entrenched in academia and intellectual property issues, I did not see your original post as diminishing, dismissive or dickish at all. I saw a statement of truth about innovation, creativity and intellectual property issues in higher education. I'm sure very few people got what you meant by "novel". If we

idk what i am doing, just trying to delete a post....

Oh please, Twerking ain't nothin. Just wait until some tweens drop a Daggering video bomb on the interwebs. I'm salivating at the thought of all that moral outrage!!!

So here is a thought for Professor Unicorn: Obviously it is your dick that is the problem. Chemically castrate yourself, hire a cleaning service, buy a fuzzy kitten, and volunteer all of your time to a women's shelter so you can maybe learn that women have just as much integrity, self-respect and right to control

Ummmmm. Awesome. Please cover this man in tattoos and give him to me.

And so what did she say? What was she requesting of the governors? What were her suggestions for addressing this issue? Her brain is quite beautiful too. I'd hate to think that the content of my mind would be so easily forgotten/dismissed just because I have a pretty face. If that's true, there goes my political