
Its Mah Birfday!

I had one once…Fell asleep after the 3rd bite.

This changes everything


I have one of those little black and white TVs, I bring it out on Halloween to scare children.

I cant put a date on the last time I used a walkman but I also made mix tapes back in the day. Also just came to mind I used to have a tape recorder and would hold it up to the radio to record my favorite songs. Is it sad that I did that and Im only 28?

I might have come across as a bit strong there, seeing as I don't have any these old terrible things either. What I should have said was they should know what came before what they have.

What kind of parents wouldn't show their kids this sort of stuff, that's like the most fun part of being a parent; showing your kids what technology you had to work with! My future kids will know what technology was utilized in the past, and how to use it so they will be damn grateful for the wonders our current

PASS…next please

The AV Club

Really its just a CD of 80s metal with a smattering of 90s alternative on repeat casually interrupted by DJs that try wayy to hard to either be funny or informative

I heard about this on my local rock radio station this morning…And here we are!

Funny this gets posted. Just last night my fiance and I calculated the total amount of time we've played borderlands 2…there's a sold couple months a piece we are never getting back.

Arguably the best thing I will see all day.

whelp this comment section is going to occupy the rest of my day…awesome

about 2.5 danzigs

you are not alone

Woke up to this on the facebook and I became very sad…He and the band were if nothing else very very entertaining

I am making the saddest face ever right now

NOOOO work has blocked all the images from the AV Club!!