
There were Matrix sequels?

No, I’m pretty sure it was just the one movie. A classic hero’s journey that had a perfect ending. 

I’m pretty sure I’ll still get in trouble at work for this... best learn some self control instead...

I switched to Edge a few weeks ago after getting tired of Chrome sucking up huge amounts of memory and due to Google’s privacy concerns. It’s been a much better experience so far, even quickly imported my extensions and bookmarks so the transition was quick and painless.

I just clicked on that link too...talk about whiplash!

I called it already: BEARDS ARE CANCELLED

Fucking finally, man.

I think the important question is what we women did to push this poor man over the edge. Clearly he was a decent man who just fell in with the wrong websites. All he needed was a good woman to notice his depositions. We should really begin to talk about mental health in this country. He’d been very depressed-

“He may use poetic license, he may use metaphor, but he never ever says that he hit Miss Heard,”

Even if they rule in favor of Depp on this particular case, all the other stuff that’s come out about him during the course of the trial paints both a disturbing enough and reckless enough picture of him that he’s never going to recover his professional reputation. Those texts alone ... Plus, more importantly for the

Fucking hell that closing argument session was just a step by step guide as to why most women who are abused don’t come forward. One minute the lawyer is criticising her for going to court for a restraining order as a “publicity stunt” yet then criticising her for not getting law enforcement involved as “curious”,

“Sorry we called you a wife beater, we will now stick to only proven headlines from this trial including “Johnny Depp headbutted his wife”, “Johnny Depp admits to at least one incident of physically harming Amber Heard”, “Johnny Depp called Heard a whore after he paid her $5m to “drop the charges””, and “Johnny Depp

I won’t comment about Heard, because I’m still on the fence about her and want to actively refrain from allowing any biases to interfere with my determination, but Depp? I think the texts alone are pretty telling. There is LITERALLY NEVER any excuse to speak about women like this:

Wass used text messages sent by Depp as evidence for her claim, which included descriptions of women like “sluts,” “fat ugly whores,” “worthless hooker,” and “withering cunt.”

So I’m sure they will show up, so what is up with the weirdly passionate Depp defenders that show up in every comments section?

There are other articles that have quotes where he is trying to sound like a tragic victim of a manipulative gold digger but just comes off like a narcissistic fool. WHY would he do this to himself??

You might consider it clickbait, but this isn’t a new opinion that I have in hindsight. I’ve worried about this for months:

This is useless though.  When it’s open and you’re out in public, the water droplets from your mouth and nose leave the mask and enter into the general air supply.  It doesn’t need to close the moment somebody is two meters from you.   By that time, it’ll be too late.

I can’t think of a better way to cause a spike than by abandoning mask use before a vaccine is on the market.

I don’t know. We seem to be bending over backwards to find reasons why we should believe Tara Reade. Mostly centered on “believe women,” a concept I support. And I know that there’s a lot about how “real victims” behave and how damaging that is—so we shouldn’t factor in her character, which is that she’s a lifelong

I feel the same, except I am secretly a little jealous. I mean my man is hot, I’d hit on him like no one’s business if I was a single lady. But I think there is a world of difference between walking the walk of trusting someone and banishing every single jealous thought from your head. I don’t think I’ll ever be able