I don’t believe there were specifics about how he raped her. Just that he raped her...that can include oral sex, you know.
I don’t believe there were specifics about how he raped her. Just that he raped her...that can include oral sex, you know.
I found that highly suspect as well. He was probably doing some n00b shit like being too rough with the clit and she pissed on him to make him stop.
The day I decided I would not have sex with any man who didn’t first make me cum with his mouth was the day I left sexual purgatory and was admitted to Elysian Fields.
You are crushing Halloween this year. Crushing it!
The Patriots are in everyone’s head right now...the Jets having the locker room swept for bugs, the Colts feeling they need to run complicated trick plays and onside kicks, the Steelers crying about radio issues even though both teams were experiencing them, the Ravens bitching about the completely legal formations…
I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.
I just set up a monthly donation to the Gulf Coast Texas PP. I’m Irish but I’m not letting those women down without one hell of a fight. I may not be able to access abortion but I’m going to try and make sure that everyone else can.
Exactly. I give $100 to Planned Parenthood every time I drive by protestors in front of a woman’s health clinic near me. I have two teenaged daughters and we smile and wave, letting them know that their efforts are helping PP.
Once again: http://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org
I have a great score in casual sex, I almost always get off and when not is always fun non the less. Although this has taken me years of practice and be very vocal when asking what I want.
I read a similar article to this last night, is this going to trend now?
I'm dating again in my early 30s and this has been my experience too. But I also feel like I'm choosing different men this time around.
Best advice: If you like the guy enough, just get it over with.
That’s largely been my experience since I hit mid twenties and beyond. I don’t get off every single time, but most of the time - and no complaints here. I always have a great time or I wouldn’t be doing it. :)
Do I just live in a weirdly progressive area? I don’t need to get off to enjoy sex, but I find most of the dudes I’ve hooked up with enjoy it more if I do get off, even if they don’t, and seem to work more towards that then their own orgasm. In fact, the last couple of guys I’ve tried hooking up with were more…
Good lord. Use your fingers. Tell the man how to assist. If you have to keep telling the man how *not* to assist, you’ve brought the wrong man home.
This is not a mysterious thing.
I am so sorry. I had a partial abruption at 24 weeks. It's so scary.