
LOLOL I'll bring the cats-sarole.

Thank you. I believe that a lot of people actually mean to keep girls ignorant about birth and having a baby because they are afraid more would opt out. The dangers of making informed decisions about your body and all that. Everything could go just fine, or it could go horribly. Keeping them ignorant and then saying

I have traveled that road as well, stay strong.

As long as we can agree that I'd rather have baby dolphins roaming around in my kitchen at night, we're good.

Grow the fuck up. Pregnancy is a complicated biological process that is an incredible strain on the body. The more we know about how pregnancies work, the more science we have behind the process from fertilization to birth, the more we know about what and embryo is and does, the more people are going to be able to

This is one of the only places I can bitch about that stuff. I'm not for making babies, and I don't want to pretend to care constantly about baby everything. Sorry you don't like it, I'm sure you can get your baby love at some mommy blog.

They're comparing them, not equating them.

"Children are wonderful and their way into this world is amazing..." you don't say?! Having given birth after being invaded by an alien for 9+ months, and having raised said ailen to adulthood, I feel more than qualified to offer an opinion in response to your comment. Children, no matter how much you love them, are

This article is about embryos and tumors - neither of which are children. Stop projecting your issues on everyone else.

I celebrate a pregnancy if the impending mother wants it to be celebrated. If a friend announces that she's pregnant and is excited, I'll certainly cheer and give her hugs and squeal over ultrasounds with her. If someone is just pregnant, especially if it's someone I don't know, I don't see any reason to have a

...the only mention of children and babies on this article is in your comment.


Went from "police report" to "some completely unsourceable rumor I claim to have heard" pretty quick.

1. Someone's real life sexual preferences don't influence whether or not I think they are beautiful.

Basically all of this. I'm annoyed at the Goldieblox team feigning innocence and placing the big bad Beasties in a negative light. I'm also annoyed that a toy like this is needed (my opinion on its quality an execution notwithstanding). Mostly I just am annoyed that something I backed ideally has a has some pretty

A lot of people were sad and angry about The Beastie Boys' response to the use of their song. But their reaction was perfect. They did NOT sue GoldieBlox, simply demanded that they stop using their music to promote their product. The Beastie Boys decided a long time ago not to allow their music to be used for