Disappointed In Humanity

Because a man cheating on his partner isn’t a referendum on her worth or strength. It’s a reflection of his own weak character.

Maybe the she was so terrible because a man was writing what he thinks of the women’s perspective and he’s a bit of a misogynist who thinks all grown women are perpetual 14-year-olds obsessed with boys and love.

I’ve encountered her comedy three total times.

Maria Bamford: The Special Special Special!!!!!!!! It is my all-time fave comedy special, and my #1 thing to watch when I am sick! Everyone should go watch it! It’s so weird and great!

I think you’re probably right. I was maybe inarticulate, too, in my point. Because, yeah, there are tons of hackey comics, but men are so quick to label women as “lady comics” or roll their eyes or whatever as soon as a woman mentions her femaleness on stage, whether it’s a hackey vagina joke or not. Then these same

This makes me sad. As a female comic, we already get so much of this shit from well-meaning dude comics who “just want to give you some advice.” Usually there’s a sort of instant camaraderie between us because it’s a shared experience.

M mmm.... Marzipan, cream and apricot sound amazing together!. The picture reminds me of the almond marzipan croissants they used to make in the Italian bakery I worked at. I used to grab one most mornings before they sold out as they usually did quickly. And they were popular among young people as well as older

Marzipan is gorgeous as long as it hasn’t been sitting around for a year, shipped from Germany and stored in a warehouse for months. Marzipan on top of a very, very boozy and dense cake is something that kids these days don’t understand because very few of them got to develop their palates beyond oreos.

There’s so much marzipan hate in this thread! I love marzipan, and I’m technically a millenial (although I hate that term - I much prefer the Gen Y label we millenials on the older end used to have). I had it first as a kid, which I’m sure makes a difference. I do get that not everyone will like it because it’s

Marzipan and Turkish Delight are both amazing. American(ized) sweets in contrast are gross and overly sweet in a bad way. Nothing is worse than birthday cake at a wypipo party. 

Marzipan is the BEST. I am a millennial.

I love marzipan! First got introduced to it in fifth grade and I’ve loved it ever since. But it needs to be fresh, which can be hard to find. Those pre-packaged marzipans are too hard for me. It needs to be the consistancy of cookie dough.

I need to jump in this thread and defend marzipan and Turkish delight. Marzipan is delicious - my brother and I always used to steal Mum’s cooking stash (sweet, soft, almondy delight) and now we get the stuff that’s coated in a thin layer of dark chocolate, which is even better. And Turkish delight is an amazing,

No a good Swiss is all about that subtle nutty flavor.

The reason is: because it’s so delicious.

7 year old me ate the entire marzipan covering of my aunt’s wedding cake back in the late 80s. And I spent the whole night vomiting it back up. I still think the price was worth paying...

Whaaat. Milennial here and I live for marzipan. Marzipan pastries are my shit

Oh man, let’s not talk about losing the genetic lottery. My teeth are so shitty that I have a (good) car in my mouth, in terms of how much my dental treatments have cost. And just today I had to go to the endodontist to redo a root canal (from one of the teeth that are part of my bridge, how lovely) because it got

Whenever I’m stressed I have dreams about my teeth falling out and now I’m going to be even more stressed that my teeth are actually going to fall out.