Dirty Cash

God yes. This place is rank with "hive mind."

Most of the time these guys don't either. They have a pretty big incentive not to get into accidents based on their choice of vehicle and speeds. Of course angry internet mouth breathers talk about it like its a serious problem with a huge death toll. Careless idiots in minivans have more accidents and kill more

They do this because they are morons, not because they are pissed at the cops. The wheelies, burnouts and generally dangerous behavior usually begins well before the cops arrive.

We're going to see a lot more of this. My belief is that speed laws, photo radar, laser guns, photo radar vans etc are used largely for revenue generation under the guise of 'safety'. Speed limits are simply too low on most highways and expressways. Motorcyclists are demonized by cops and the news because they are so

"It could have attacked! It's like it was in the 'attack mode!'" Said resident neighborhood genius and military expert John Pasquinelli. "I go 'my god!' is this some cartel?"

what pisses me off, isn't these guys doing this, it's a story like this gets more news coverage and is being investigated by officials. Meanwhile, military suicides are now the leading cause if death for are men and women, more than combat casualties. Can we please get our priorities in order?

"The Arizona National Guard does not authorize nor condone the use of military aircraft or equipment for personal use."

Could be worse, it could have no strings.

A10, The gun that thought it was a plane.

SU-47. Forward-swept wings = EVIL!

The X-47B, for similar reasons to the B-2.