

I will buy one of these to wear when the girlfriend is nagging me.

I remember as a kid on some random Sunday I saw a movie where one of the guys used sawhorses (they were blue police barriers) in a fight. I have no idea what movie it was, but it was awesome.

I like the cut of your jib.

I like the screech-alike that buzzes by when Belding shows up...

Having already beaten Half-life 3 and 4, Gave paused his copy of the Half-life prequel to help out a fan in distress.

God, I have always disliked superman because they just play loose and fast with his powers so much. Yeah, it's cool that he gets depowered, but it will just be used as some way to have a stupid "death of superman" sequence. I mean, his whole life has been "oh no, superman is doomed! Wait, now he can do X (which of

I understand what they were trying to do, but that was just poor.

The game is Game of War: Fire Age from Machine Zone, and the reported $40 million advertising campaign featuring the world famous actress/model is the money-soaked evolution of the Evony ads that infested Facebook a few years back. The older ads featured attractive women attired less-than-modestly, beckoning the

Somehow I got half way through this article thinking it was abut Mario Batali, the chef. It was way more creepier that way.

A Far Cry game set in the Vietnam war during the 1960s

Did you play DA2? What was your opinion of it? Just wondering because that one seems to fit more in line with your arguments (I am in the minority that liked DA2. Not better then Origins, but still liked it).

We totally have ourselves to blame. We all complain if these games aren't long enough. Bioware got bashed for DA2, but I really enjoyed that for how much more streamlined it was, and also that the story was less "Whole world coming to an end" and much more about a microcosm of intrigue.

"After all, he's the only one who's not just going through the motions."

I don't know, it's been a long time since I played it now, but I just remember once I got to the higher levels, i was constantly initiating a fight, then having to run away. It was pretty much how all fights went. Maybe I just didn't use the correct tactics, but I DID go through a lot of the game so I don't think my

I don't know, maybe I just didn't min/max my smuggler enough, but there were a lot of missions where I had difficulty. I'm not one on min/maxing, and find that if it is required then there is a flaw in the game. I didn't mind grinding a little bit, but I just felt that I could never get powerful enough. I got past the

But the stories SWTOR told were good! The game dropped us into the midst of a Cold War between the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, the stalemate having lasted for 10 years in the wake of 30 years of conflict before that. As the war begins to reignite, you can be a Sith trying to thwart conspiracies from within, or

I'm bummed to learn my female Qunari can't romance Cassandra. I mean, the sexual tension there can be cut with a knife!

I haven't done anything on Steam, how safe is trading items? I might see if someone wants to trade a copy of Kerbal Space Program for my Bill's Hat. I know it's not worth that much, but I get at least one friend request a week for that thing.

I need to capitalize this, sorry:

I need to capitalize this, sorry: