Thank the lord for penicillin,
Thank the lord for penicillin,
My friends and I have been getting back into role playing in a big way, and I pushed for us to go the pathfinder route. Once everyone else looked at it, they all got into it as well.
Several years ago, I found myself in a back alley in New York, and I was offered a Skrull burger. It tasted a little gamey.
Hi Rana!
Looks EXACTLY like my dad.
Quite clearly that's because the website is teasing the sequel to IHRA Professional Drag Racing. THE ANSWER IS RIGHT THERE, PEOPLE!
We got drunk off alien blood.
Sexually, the android just felt... different.
Vinegar Strokes
The first book that pops into my head is "Candide" by Voltaire. I know it's not sci-fi, but it is the book I've re-read the most often. And it feels like I rediscover it every time I read it.
Give us better playlist controls (adding and moving tracks around)!
Ah... I misread this as you won't be doing it ever again. Phew, glad you cleared that up!
Why is this the final one??
Cereal is causing an alergic reaction!
I would say that Johnny Storm's playboyness is defined by his whiteness. I know that's not a racial trait, but it fits better. I guess there are some major environment decisions that would effect this... like what era, and what is the Storm's background? I mean if you are going to just change the characters at will,…
But is 15% black and white, or are there mixes of latin and american included in that number? I'm not being a jerk, I sincerely don't know.
Based on this review, it sounds like you nailed your perception check.
I would normally agree, but after going to a few Pathfinder Society events, I now see it's possible.
And on tonight's episode of Chuck...
is 15% a high enough probability to be categorized as common? My point was that they shouldn't change an entity with a 50 year legacy. If this was a new IP, I wouldn't have any issue with this mix. None whatsoever.