
Prime Directive was the only Star Trek novel I read, and I really remember enjoying it. Might have to re-read it.

Why make a demo clip and NOT have the main character wearing a tube top and roller skates???

I think to the average non-comic person, it's going to be hard to differentiate Darkseid from Thanos. I don't think this is a good move for JLA.

I'm surprised "A Brief History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson isn't on here. sure it's part humor, but it's a really great read.

jokes are funny, I love jokes!!

of course not. That's what the manservants are for.

I post awesome fun photos so all my friends who look down on me for not shitting out kids yet feel just a little less smug.

I think something that is missing from this article is "I have so many files that serving them is slow, or fails". I've had this issue with my ENORMOUS music collection.

Looking through this list, i realize just how little TV I watch, with most of my time spent watching older seasons of shows I am really far behind on (Dr. Who). Some of this stuff looks really good, but I just won't get to watch it.

"Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty"

Ok, I watched a lot of Who when I was really young, Tom Baker is the doctor to me, and I've started watching the new series, so I'm not the most knowledgeable on the good Doctor...

At what point is the navigator going to stop laughing and smiling and tell him he is going the wrong way?

Loved the original X-Com when it was out and I was in high school and had hundreds of hours to devote to it. I sooooo want to play this game.

This really upsets me. Having flown Cathay Pacific in business class to from US to Hong Kong several times, I never knew this was an option. I enjoyed the availability of noodles at anytime on the flight, but it turns out I could have enjoyed the flight just a little bit more.

Oh, that's kidman? I thought that was Anna Faris. No joke, I seriously did.

These tips also apply to the bedroom.

I find the corn more erotic. *shrugs* To each their own.

I'm extremely disappointed that the user who posted the Vivid location doesn't have "69" in their screen name.

She was on the playboy morning show last week (what? I listen for the articles!), and she talked about gaming. She sounded like she did know wat she was talking about.

My favorite part is the line 'There will be 5 "guys"...'