
What's the point of bragging where you are until you get to where you want to go? He's bragging that he can almost do something useful... allowing sony the chance to put the kibosh before he finishes it. why?

what I meant was it sounded like they fiddled with the rules and play, but I'm not sure.

Hot damn, netrunner! I wonder if it plays like the Garfield game? Because that game was some serious fun. I've played an absurd amount of magic in my life, and love it, but netrunner was just so good.

How to Catch a Monster (Pair Of Boobs).

I know you want us to say keep, and I wouldn't blame you if you did.... but that is totally contest worthy.

I want a video of that man giggling. MAKE THIS HAPPEN, INTERNET!

This would be perfect for kickstart. I'd like to see people kickstarting projects that are further along and therefore be coming to fruition sooner. I have kickstarted some promising titles, but won't see anything for years, and I'm nervous they'll turn out ok. Here we have a labor of love that these people have been

Is $5000 to cover the lawsuit from the creators of Asteroids? Zing!

"Beauty and Beast ride together"? Sure, she's kinda ugly, but I don't know about beast! *Zing!*

You just know that canoe was coded during development and the canoe exists on disc.

So, which of these would be best for gaming? (Yes, I know that will kill the battery life)

Thanks for the links! I've got some reading to do :)

Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but couldn't entangled particles be used to create an instantaneous telegraph machine? Yes, I know that it's not perfect NOW, but I don't see why this would be impossible to do in the future. Wouldn't that be a form of speed of light communication?

What, your tennis court doesn't have a moat around it?

Pretty sure Villainy Incorporated was a show on Evil Disney Channel.

Hmm.... website doesn't mention local, offline, multiplayer. worrisome...

I've actually been waiting for this to come out! I got this and my GF, who is a non-gamer, really enjoys it.

these look like real women?

That GoW collection looks awesome for $30. Kinda glad I'm so far behind in my gaming and haven't gotten to play these (except for the first stage of GoW3)

The girl on the far left looks like Chloe.