*Kisses you to see just how serious you remain.*
*Kisses you to see just how serious you remain.*
Thanks for a serious answer. I saw the same thing, but haven't really thought about it recently. I always wanted them to be worth something, though.
Nice list, pretty damn hilarious.
I think this is awesome that they are starting with a more obscure group. Gives them flexibilyty and can play with different concepts.
Didn't they announce they wouldn't make a new 3ds?
Do mice have the same sleeping patterns as humans? I'm pretty sure they don't, so how do these studies apply to humans? Were the mice made to stay awake from 9 to 4?
Another reason for this: if I go away from the game for too long, then try to get back in to it, I don't remember all the controls and have no manual to refer to.
The above opinion does not reflect my love for Emma Stone.
I'm just going to say it: I hate Gwen Stacy. Yes, I think she her storyline is a great plot device for peter parker, but I want her to stay dead. Mary Jane was a better support character in vintage spider-man comics, and it's just that a few of the older editors see her with rose-tinted glasses.
How awesome would this be if it was designed by Suda 51?
To push aside the philosophical depth of the movie, which I can see both sides- it is deep, but it didn't have enough meat to support that depth within the actual movie - my biggest issue with this movie is how much they raved about Charlize's role, and I found it just so lacking. She was a boring character who didn't…
Ah, thanks. I typed too fast and didn't re-read before hitting the submit button. I hang my head in shame.
I do not get gold controllers. I just don't. I find them juat so...ugly.
No offense taken, BUT I WANT THE MONEYS!!! :)
Yeah, it's all about immersion. I get nervous before scary movies, but don't really get scared once watching, but with games, you just can't easily remove yourself from the action, because even while the horror happens, you have to figure out what to do.
Serious question: Are these movies worth watching? I haven't seen any of the Resident Evil movies... should I? And start at beginning, or start with a certain one?
I just want 5 more minutes of Hulk.
My real concern is what are the legal issues of having sex with said hologram?
I know some bank robbers: Billie Joe and Bobby Sue. They got the money, hey they got away. They headed down south and they're still running today.
Just to verify, iPhone 4 will NOT be getting Siri? Still only in the 4S and above?