My sony reader has been running out of battery quickly, so this low price for kindle is a good chance to test it out... if only it did epubs!
My sony reader has been running out of battery quickly, so this low price for kindle is a good chance to test it out... if only it did epubs!
Whelp, off to kickstarter to kickstart this line of brightly colored shotguns!
I wish I had this information for Cinco de Mayo when I was spilling beer all over my friend's apartment. I could have used the timely retort: "SCIENCE!"
I do it too. Worst part: My backlog is so ridiculous I don't even get to them until AFTER the GOTY editions...
"not after today's prediction that it will take eight years for smartphone wallets to replace cash"
It's good to hear them talk about rethinking the controls instead of slapping a d-pad on the screen. This could be something special.
This is incredible news, I was so hoping that this would happen! With all the great games playdek has put out, and dominion (seriously, how is it free?), this will be a fantastic addition.
AND, they just released Nightfall!
I hope they limit the amount of account praising allowed during the pleading part, otherwise my name will take over the whole event.
Getting hired during the need, then fired right after the need has passed? Did I just win The Tester??
I spoke too soon:
I've donated to most of the high profile kickstarter games... but I'm getting nervous here. We really need to see how they turn out.
I don't think it's trolling. Neil Young is a pretty stand-up guy, and even though he looks like a hermit, he has been pretty forward thinking in recent years, just doing it quietly.
I haven't read Saga yet, but being Vaughn I need to.
That dark part? That's the evil
Doesn't it seem like that clip ends right before the money shot?
Actually, it was this image, which I like even better...
The Battle Royale movie is good, but the book is amazing. If I hadn't read the book I probably would still dig the movie, but the book should be required reading. It really gets into the psyche of the kids.
I think I am most excited to see Ygrette
The question is: how many are DLC?